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2837 fatwas

  • Those to whom Paradise is forbidden

    To whom is Paradise forbidden? .. More

  • People of Paradise shall be beardless

    I know of the hadith which talks about this subject, but are there any Mawqoof (a narration attributed to a Companion) narrations of Ibn ‘Abbaas which say that men in Paradise will have no beards? I was told this by a scholar. If so, is it considered evidence? .. More

  • Women see each other in Paradise

    Assalaamu alaykum. Will a mother be able to see her daughter in Paradise? Will women have meals together on thrones around tables with each other? Will the women be able to sit together like the men, or will women, like mother and daughter or two female friends,not see each other if they go to Paradise? .. More

  • Paradise promised to obedient males and females alike

    Assalaamu alaykum. I was just wondering; when the Quran says that we will have whatever we desire or want or wish in Paradise, are these verses only for the men, or are they for the men and women of this world? Do these verses include the women of this world, or is it just the men? .. More

  • Type of flowers in Paradise

    Will flowers of this world, like, roses, jasmines, and orchids, be present in Paradise? .. More

  • Man's knowledge is created

    Assalaamu alaykum. Sir, I asked you this question before, but I did not get the answer properly; I mean that I did not understand it. Please, tell me in simple wordings whether our attributes,like knowledge etc., are created? The knowledge is from Allah's knowledge, so it cannot be a creation as it is His attribute, so if our knowledge is also from.. More

  • No ethnic differences in Paradise

    Assalaamu alaykum. Will there be ethnic differences in Paradise? I know that everyone will be 60ft tall, but I am asking about different ethnic groups such as whites, Asians, blacks, Indians, Arabs, etc.? .. More

  • Accompanying Muslim who commits acts of Shirk to Hajj

    There is a woman who, though she claims to be Muslim, commits a lot of Shirk (polytheism). For example, she visits graves; wears "Taweez"; and goes to "Peer", fortune tellers, and magicians. She also believes in many weird things, like that the cause of rain would be such-and-such Hindu festivals, that wearing bangles would prolong the lifetime of the.. More

  • Man-Made laws not rejected in absolute manner

    Assalaamu alaykum. I go to a college in London, and if I were to have an altercation or fight, then if two non-Muslim teachers judge and issue a ruling, for example, if they kick me out of the college, would that be counted as going to the Taghoot (anything which is worshiped, obeyed, submitted to, or followed instead of Allaah whilst consenting to.. More

  • Reciting Ruqyah verses as compiled in some books

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. What do you say about reading “Manzil”, which is a compilation of some verses or Surahs from the Quran for protection against the evil influence of the jinn, magic, and other evils in the books Al-Qawl Al-Jameel and the Beheshti Zewir by Shah Waliullah Muhaddith Deh’lawi and by Moulana.. More

  • Lighting so-called ‘Unity Candle’ at wedding celebration

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have been married for three months now. My wife was a Catholic and reverted to Islam, praise be to Allaah. When we got married, we did not have a ceremony, so my parents-in-law, who are not Muslim, planned one for us. So we went to their place and had a little party where we had food and chatted. The part that angered me is that.. More

  • Continuing to wear ring one used to wear as amulet

    Assalaamu alaykum. Suppose that a man used to wear a silver ring as a amulet and then came to know the truth about amulets and repented. If he changes his intention and wears the same ring (but only as a ornament), is it allowed? .. More

  • Man who claims to know language of jinn

    Assalaamu alaykum, dear Muslim Brothers. We all know that the Muslims form one nation, one Ummah (community), and one body, both the jinn and the humans... As the disbelievers cooperate, so have the Muslims cooperated for centuries, and that is a fact. There is a guy in Turkey who asserts and claims that he speaks to all tribes, kinds, religions, etc... More

  • Doubting that some statements constitute disbelief

    I remember my aunt's husband saying something years back; I think he said something close to ‘Has allaah gone blind or something?’ or something similar. Also, my parents were having a discussion about the rain, and one of them ended up saying something like 'Call up Allaah [with a phone/mobile] and tell Him to stop it from raining.' These situations.. More

  • Speech of Allah is one of his attributes

    Do the names and attibutes of Allaah have a higher value or status than the entire Quran given that they are His names? .. More