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2837 fatwas

  • Emergence of term 'Ahlus-Sunnah Wal-Jamaa‘ah'

    Assalaamu alaykum. When did the term 'Ahlus-Sunnah Wal-Jamaa‘ah' emerge? In which century did it emerge? .. More

  • Story of Khaalid seeking blessing in Prophet's hair

    Assalaamu alaykum dear Scholars. My question is in regards to the hadeeth that is narrated about Khalid ibn Al-Waleed, who kept a hair of the prophet Muhammad, sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam,in his hat, and that at one time he had lost his hat and started to worry, until he found it. The story goes as follows: It was narrated that the great military.. More

  • Woman will be married to husband of this world in Paradise

    Assalaamu alaykum. It is said that one cannot imagine life in heaven and that it is more than expectation and that one will get everything there. Now, I can imagine that my class mate, who promised to marry me but then left me and married another man without telling me reasonwill be my wife in heaven; can I imagine that? It is said that Prophet Muhammad,.. More

  • Lineage of Dajjaal unknown

    There is a famous story that a Companion of Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam,named Tameem Ad-Daari, may Allah be pleased with him,met the Dajjaal (the Antichrist) during his journey to an unknown island in the east where he interacted with him and they spoke and a long interaction took placed between them. So the Dajjaal was answering.. More

  • Statement that life of someone who was killed was cut short is false

    I was wondering; is it accurate to say regarding a killed or murdered non-Muslim possible fate that if someone is killed unfairly, then their life has been cut short, which interferes with the natural flow of destiny, and henceforth that person had no chance to come to belief later in life because their life was cut short, and then due to the possibility.. More

  • Building mosques at graves and whether Al-Baydhaawi encouraged it

    Who was Qadi Al-Baydhaawi? A sufi quoted him as having said: "Anyone who builds a mosque near the grave of an upright person or prays in the tomb or intends to ask for help through the spirit of that upright person ... If he does all that without the intention of glorifying him or doing Tawajuh towards him (in prayer), then there is nothing wrong in.. More

  • Fearing remark might be disbelief

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have a desperate question; I fear that my sister may have fallen into major disbelief. We were discussing Islam with a group of people, when one of them said, " Muhammad, sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam,is my role model, to which my sister replied "Why do you not go marry a six-year-old?" I know that what she said was certainly haram,.. More

  • False beliefs about numbers 786 and 666

    Shaykh, I use the number 786 for many of my passwords, but I do not associate this number with anything, such as the Basmalah, like some people say. Is this ok? Also, does the number 666 has anything to do with something evil? I heard that the number 6 is like the devil's number. Can I use these numbers while also not associating anything with these.. More

  • Believing in Ouija boards

    Assalaamu alaykum. Is someone who believes in Ouija boards an apostate? Thank you. .. More

  • Seeking refuge with Allah from human devils

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. Can we seek refuge with Allah from the accursed devil with the intention of obtaining protection against both the jinni and human devils? Are human devils also accursed? May Allah reward you, Shaykh. .. More

  • Proof that Muhammad is best of Prophets

    Assalaamu alaykum. My question is: is our Prophet, Muhammad, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, the best of the prophets, and is the Quran the best of Allah's revelations upon the Earth? Please answer according to the Quran and the Sunnah only, and not with the words of prominent scholars! My logic, based on the Quran and the Sunnah, from where these doubts.. More

  • Asking dead to make supplication is not polytheism but religious innovation

    I have been married for 8 months now. My husband told me that he asked a person in their grave to supplicate for him once or twice a long time ago. He told me about this incident after our marriage, and I told him that it constitutes polytheism. So he immediately sought forgiveness and considered it to be polytheism. My question is whether our marriage.. More

  • Joking about sins does not necessarily mean apostasy

    Assalaamu alaykum scholars. Having fun with religious concepts does not necessarily entail apostasy, does it? I have a family member who is religious, and he is funny, and from time to time, he makes jokes in which religious concepts may be involved but without intending to mock them. For instance, he said to me, “Had I known that you had money in.. More

  • Loving non-Muslim country

    What do you say about loving a non m-Muslim country if one is sitting in a muslim land? There may be just and upright people among the disbelievers who do not fight the Muslims. So if one loves their country or says that their country is beautiful, what do you say about this? May Allah reward you with the best rewards. .. More

  • Threat of not entering Paradise for one who believes in sorcerers

    I want to ask the following: if a person suspects that magic or a spell has been placed on him or anyone else, is it right to say, "I think that this hinderance is due to magic or a spell"? We sometimes say things like that. I read a hadith from which I understood that whoever believes in magic will not enter paradise. Please explain. .. More