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2837 fatwas

  • Performing Ruqyah on self does not contradict reliance on Allah

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. I want to be of the seventy thousand-plus who will enter Paradise by Allaah's Mercy without being asked about his deeds. I want to know: if I do not ask anyone for Ruqyah (healing through Quranic recitation and supplication) but listen to audio Ruqyah on my device, am I disqualified from being.. More

  • Debating with non-Muslim about predestination and fate

    I was talking with a non-Muslim colleague about God. He was saying that God is evil because He allows evil to happen. We then further discussed this topic, and I told him above free will and so on. I said the exact following words: "God knows the outcome, but we create it." I would really like to know if uttering these exact words is haram, and if so,.. More

  • Whether animals know about natural disasters before their occurrence

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. Is it true that animals, insects, birds, and so on know of natural disasters before they take place? If there is no evidence about it in Islam but studies say that, can a Muslim believe it? May Allaah reward you, Shaykh. .. More

  • Muslim declaring disbelief while drunk

    Assalaamu alaykum. Someone asked a Muslim married man about his religion and whether he is a Muslim or not. The Muslim man was drunk at that time. He replied, "No, I am of all religions". Afterwards, however, during the same instance/discussion, he clarified that he is Muslim. Please tell me, should the Muslim man renew his marriage contract because.. More

  • Every nation received Warner

    Has Arabia received a warner before Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam? Was Ishmael, their forefather, not a Warner? The following verses declare that the Arabs never received a Warner (what means): {That you may warn a people whose forefathers were not warned, so they are unaware.} [Quran 38:6] However, the below verses testify to.. More

  • Impurity on body or clothes does not cause jinn possession

    Assalaamu alaykum. I hope you are fine by the grace of Allaah. My question is: does jinn possession take place if we have minor impurity (urine, stool, Madhi [pre-ejaculate]) on our body or clothes? If we do not avoide it, will the jinn possess us? May Allaah reward you. .. More

  • People of Paradise will get more than what they ever wanted

    Assalaamu alaykum. If anyone likes a disbelieving girl but did not get her in this world, will it be possible to get women resembling her in Paradise? .. More

  • Dividing Muslims into sub-sects

    Please do not cite any other fatwa. In order to understand, I need you to clarify my issue and send it directly to me! Thank you for your time and effort. It would be really appreciated by me! Dear Scholar, would you tell me: are Islamic sub-sects like Sunnis and Shias innovation (Bid'a) given that this divides the Muslims based on their own views?.. More

  • Dwellers of Paradise will absolutely have what they desire

    Assalaamu alaykum. {Circulated among them will be plates and vessels of gold. And therein is whatever the souls desire and [what] delights the eyes, and you will abide therein eternally.} [Quran 43:71] Does it mean that what we desire in this world is only available in Paradise, that what we desire in the hereafter is available in Paradise, or that.. More

  • Refuting misconception that Muhammad, sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam, composed the Quran

    I have read your article "Was Muhammad the author of the Quran?" I have this one doubt, and I would really appreciate it if you could please write me a specific fatwa. Is 16:103 in the Quran referring to the Roman blacksmith that lived in the outskirts of Makkah? I know that the verse says 'how could he have learned from this man as he speaks foreign.. More

  • Repeating words of disbelief in song without believing in them

    I read your fatwas, but I could not find the answer. Is repeating words of Kufr (disbelief) in an song Kufr without believing it? And also, is it Kufr to buy Kufr stuff given that supporting Kufr is Kufr. And also, how about enjoying it but without believing in it, as it is only done for entertainment. .. More

  • Whether group sex is possible with wives in Paradise

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have a somewhat vulgar question, but I do not believe in shying away from knowledge, however inept it may be. I have a question regarding sexual intercourse with one's spouses, particularly with regards to engaging in group sex. I know that this is haram and is not permissible in this world, but what about in the Hereafter? Could.. More

  • Performing Ruqyah does not necessitate touching patient

    I understand that it is permissible to do Ruqyah (healing through Quranic recitation and supplication) on someone else, such as a man doing Ruqyah on his wife, but does the person who performs Ruqyah have to touch the afflicted person, such as placing the hands on the forehead? If so, is it forbidden to touch certain parts of the body, such as the feet,.. More

  • Ruqyah may be used to heal non-Muslim

    Assalaamu alaykum. I had a partner whom I loved and who equally loved me back. Some time later, however, she started creating really negative hatred towards me and started hating me for no reason. Before learning about religious knowledge, I contacted numerous magicians, one of which told me that she was under a very powerful spell, and he recommended.. More

  • Doubting that something one did is act of disbelief

    If there is something that represents disbelief on the door of a shop, like a picture or writing, and so on, is it an act of disbelief if I enter the shop and leave the shop by closing and opening the door? Another example: if there is something that represents disbelief on someone's clothing and they ask me to hand it over to them, is it an act of.. More