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Is it obligatory to pick up a paper that says names like Muhammad or Ibrahim or any prophet name if it is on the floor in a dirty place.Is it shirk to pick it up and respect it like to Quran.Also is it obligatory to pick up a paper that says one of allahs names in English like Ar rahman it is not in Arabic but is is like the pronunciation like mentioned.. More
I'm going through terrible situation of my faith , I don't know how to protect it , doubts appear in my heart about Allah swt , that literally depresses me , my heart aches , I just can't bear these doubts ,
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Im somewhat familiar with the rulings on handling paper with names of the Prophets and the Names of Allah. Some Muslims have the word “Deen” as a part of their name. If I have a paper with their name in english, can i discard it in the garbage can like i do with most papers or should I take other measures?
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Assalamualaikum. I have bad thoughts about Allah, Quran and other things related to islam. From your website, I came to know that we have to resist it. What if someone doesn't resist it? Is there any sin for that? I mean if someone hates it but still doesn't resist it, what is the ruling on that?
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Is it true that there is a name of Allah, we don't know about? Is it supposed to be the 100 name?
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Is it permissible to recite the 99 names of Allah altogether once daily as a form of praising Allah apart from calling out specific names of Allah while making dua?
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Assalam alikumI have the following questions:Can we do a repetition of Allah Subhanawataala’s names so that we have get Allahs help for our problems. For example can we repeat Ya-Fattah, Ya-Lateef, Ya-Razzak or any other name etc. Is there any thing in Quran and authentic hadith that says we can do this or we should not do this.Can we repeat Surah.. More
Aoa sir pls tell me that the names Ahmed and Muhammad are creation of Allah or we will say these were thr speech of Allah ? As He himself gave these two names to Muhammad PBUH
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Did anyone from the Salaf did tafweed/taweel of Allaah’s hands, legs, face, etc? And what about Istiwaa; did anyone from the Salaf did tafweed/taweel of that too?
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Assalaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatuLLAHI,What is the meaning of the name Al-'Imran apartthe from being the father of Maryam the mother of 'Eesa (AS).Secondly, Can the Imaam choose another person instead of his naaib that is also versed with the qur'aan.
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As salaamulykum, i have a question.Can i read this dua to praise Allah before making dua?Subhaanallahi,walahumdu lliahi,wa laa ilaaha illaahu akbar?if this isn't the right one..can you suggest me any?Or can i praise Allah in my own language before making dua?2) i heard about isme azam dua.How to make isme azam dua?Do i need to read durood after reading.. More
Is Pride an attributte of Allah please refer your answer from Quran and authentic Sunnah.
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Assallamoalaykum warahmatullahi wa barkatahu*Sheikh, i want to know which is more rewardable to memorize of the following:-99 names of Allah (SWT) or Yaseen as i am curious to know about its reward!
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Is it true that Allah increase in power and train his power every day?.
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Is it correct that it is not possible for Allah to do the following:-create another God-lie or sin or oppress-adopt a son-make a rock that he cannot lift (because that is similar to asking, Can Allah be deficient)?
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