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2837 fatwas

  • Heavenly Books revealed in Ramadan

    I read somewhere that the other Divine Books were revealed in Ramadan as well; is that valid for all of them? Did all Messengers who received a Book do so in Ramadan? May Allaah reward you. .. More

  • Makkan pagans did not believe in resurrection

    My question is about the beliefs of the pagans of Makkah. In the Quran, we find that Allaah refutes the beliefs of pagans, who believed that the resurrection is not possible. Did all the pagans believe that they would never be resurrected, or just the majority? This implies that they believed that when Allaah is happy with someone, He gives the reward.. More

  • Name of Allah ‘Ash-Shaafi’ mentioned in Sunnah

    What are all the Names of Allaah? I know some, like Al-‘Adl, Al-‘Afuww, Al-Ahad, and so on, but I was surprised when Mufti Ismail Musa Mink said that Ash-Shaafi is one of His Names; I never heard that before. So what are the Names of Allaah? I know that they number 99. .. More

  • Having doubts about Islam

    A man was Muslim. Then he started doubting whether Islam is true or not. What is the best solution for him? 1) Keep solving the doubt without obeying Allah. 2) Stop solving the doubt and keep obeying Allah hoping for guidance and forgiveness. 3) Keep obeying Allah and at the same time keep solving the doubt in order to bring peace to his heart. .. More

  • Whether all Heavenly Books were revealed in Ramadhaan

    Did all Prophets receive Prophethood in Ramadan, or did all Messengers receive revelation in Ramadan? .. More

  • Questions about existence of God as part of argument against atheists

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have been pondering how to logically refute atheists, and I have been going over an introduction into it. I fear that because of how I introduce my speech, perhaps it is Shirk (polytheism) or Kufr (disbelief), even though I do not intend it so. This is the start of that refutation: The very first question we must ask is if there.. More

  • Denying existence of magic due to ignorance

    Assalaamu alaykum, Scholar. I used to teach my sister that magic does not exists. However, I think I was referring to so-called magic tricks, those where they make tricks with cards and split a human into two and so on. So when told my sister that magic does not exist, I think I was referring to that. Now, praise be to Allaah, I have a bit more knowledge,.. More

  • Asking dead or absent to fulfil needs of living

    Please read this question and answer me, even if the answer is only yes or no. If I follow the opinion of a certain man, for example, that the one who asks an absent or dead person for something that not only Allaah can do is not a disbeliever, and if I do not know which deeds are meant with this sentence, and another scholar says that asking a dead.. More

  • Length of stay of sinful believers in Hellfire unknown

    What is the minimum number of years that a sinful Muslim has to stay in hell? .. More

  • Asking dead to supplicate for living

    Why do we say that it is disbelief to ask the dead to fullfil someone's need but we do not say that it is disbelief to ask the dead to ask Allaah? In both cases, the caller is calling/supplicating the dead, and in both cases, the caller is asking the dead for something which he can not do, and in both cases, the caller thinksthat the dead can do this.. More

  • Hypocrites who made sincere repentance

    Do you know of any known hypocrites that became believers by name and whose story is inspiring? They were at the lowest of the lows and then reached the highest of the highs. .. More

  • Whether not ruling by Shariah is major or minor disbelief

    Assalaamu alaykum Shaikh. I have read one of your fatwas regarding not ruling by what Allaah revealed. In that question, I read that there are two types of not ruling by what Allah revealed; major Kufr (disbelief) and minor Kufr. I then read in your fatwa that the first kind includes someone who legislates a law whereby he permits what is forbidden.. More

  • Arguing with those skeptical about Allah's power

    Assalaamu alaykum, Shaykh. I am a 15-year-old who is currently doing Da‘wah (proselytization), and I just want to verify some information that I have given someone. This is with respect to the following questions: Does God have the power to create a stone which He can not carry? Does He have the power to be unjust? Does He have the power to lie, or.. More

  • Description of Dajjaal and Gog and Magog

    Is there any hadith as regards to the Dajjaal (Antichrist) and Gog and Magog which defines their physique? Are Gog and Magog two persons, or are they two different nations? And why are these two nations not in conflict with each other if they are quarrelsome people? And are they giants? .. More

  • Fire has benefits but Hell is sheer punishment

    Is hell a mercy and a punishment given that the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam,said that there is healing in cauterization, which may be similiar to hell? And Allaah says that His mercy embraces all things, and hell purifies sins, and you probably will not feel bored. An open mind makes one wonder about these things. Please give me a specific.. More