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2837 fatwas

  • Man was not given choice to enter Paradise directly before living in this world

    Assalaamu alaykum. Is it true that Allah, the Exalted, asked each and every person before sending them to the world whether they want to go to the world and earn Paradise through their own deeds or rather they just pass and go to Paradise? Is there any reference of such thing in the Quran or Hadith? .. More

  • Doubting reality of the world and of Islam

    Assalaamu alaykum. I had some doubt regarding the reality of the world around me after reading a science article which stated that things are not real and are a mere dream. So then I thought: is Islam for real? Is my wife whom I married real? So I had a doubt, but my heart was not at rest, and I wanted to believe that Islam was real. I researched this.. More

  • Attributing Allah with absolute energy

    Is Allah attributed with Absolute Energy? .. More

  • Fear of Dajjaal (Antichrist) natural

    Assalaamu alaykum. My question is regarding Shirk (polytheism) in fear. Recently, I was reading about the powers which the Dajjaal has. I know that nothing can effect us unless Allah wills. I know that he is a false messiah. However, when I try to do something bad regarding him, like abusing him, I feel fear, as if he may harm me. I do not know all.. More

  • Natural fear is not sinful

    I shared a video posted by someone which shows a sting operation disclosing such-and-such to be liable for a Muslim massacre, but these are old clips, and the culprit has now been set free by the supreme court, so I immediately deleted the video thinking that I might face a legal notice of defamationion of that individual, as he has been given a clean.. More

  • Impermissibility of contributing to non-Muslim religious festivals in any way

    Assalaamu alaykum. I study in college, where the higher-posted people are non-Muslims, and the students are organising functions of their religion in which they worship idols, and they started asking for money as a contribution. I refused in the beginning, but then they again came and said that I have to give the money. I told them that I would, but.. More

  • Ibn Taymiyyah quoted Ad-Daarimi about The Throne

    Assalaamu alaykum. Someone quoted Ibn Taymiyyah as saying in his book Bayaan Tablis Al-Jahmiyyah(1/568), "If Allah had willed He could have settled on a mosquito, and it (the mosquito) would have found Him (Allah) light (or it would have carried him on its back). Could you please explain this statement and how it does not contradict the majesty and.. More

  • Believing Darwin's theory about origin of man amounts to disbelief

    Is belief that humans evolved out of monkeys a belief that takes one out of the fold of Islam? I have seen Islamic websites refute this theory, but I have not seen any that say that believing in this is an act of disbelief, so I am confused. .. More

  • Attempting to reconcile Theory of Evolution with Islamic beliefs

    Respected Shaykh. What is the status of someone who, in an attempt to reconcile the theory of evolution with the Islamic narrative of human origins, states that homo sapiens (modern humans) descended from other hominid species (all the while believing that all of this happened by Allah's Will and Power), and that thereafter, these homo sapiens went.. More

  • Truth about subliminal messaging as source of power

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am a Muslim, and I was using something called subliminal's to get "superpowers", and the way this works is that it uses only your brain to run a command, so it pushes your brain and subconscious mind, and I can almost control smoke, but my question is: is what I am doing haram? Is it possible for the subconscious mind to do this,.. More

  • Regarding Burdah poem as praise of Prophet, sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam

    Assalaamu alaykum. I asked this question before but I was told to clarify it. So, basically, I wanted to know whether if one read some defenses or justifications of the Qasida Burda, accepting it as simply praise for the Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam,instead of considering it to be excessive praise, and then read fatwas on the latter.. More

  • Ruling on Muslim who believes in Darwin's theory of evolution

    Assalaamu alaykum. I had submitted a question asking whether a person who believed in the theory of evolution, or if he believed that Adam, peace be upon him, arrived through the process of evolution, is a Muslim or not? Although I received an answer to my question saying that Darwinism contradicted Islam, I received no direct answer saying that someone.. More

  • Muslim cannot ever love Satan

    What is the ruling on loving the devil? One may not love him because of his disbelief, but he may like him because if one fornicates, he will naturally have some liking to him as this is one of his characteristics. .. More

  • Laughing at skit about drinking alcohol

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have sent this question before, but I made a mistake in the question number and accidentally quoted the fatwa number. Please accept my apologies. This is a follow up to question No. 2678145. I did not completely understand the answer, so I hope that you will be able to help me through this example. One of the groups in my class.. More

  • No decisive evidence that jinn expose sins of possessed

    Do the jinn expose your sins if they speak in you? Shaykh, please respond to this as fast as possible, as it is an emergency, may Allah reward you. Only Allah knows my mental anguish, and I need to know this. .. More