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Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. What is the scholars' stance on the situation where a husband decides to forbid his wife from teaching Islam to new Muslim women converts, considering the scarcity of Muslim community in Latin America? How should women deal with this issue and whether they need to obey this prohibition?May Allah bless all.. More
I search various matters of fiqh and get diverse opinions and answers. Sometimes I am not fully able to understand them, but I do get the main points. When someone asks me about a matter, I say that I am not sure, there are diverging opinions. Or sometimes I say that I don't know. I do this out of the fear that I may say something wrong or misleading.. More
When going out of masjid I saw people smoking at the door. So I reprimanded them because they are harming others and exposing sins. Yet when I did this the people around me were silent and a smoker acted like I was the bad person and said I don't know what I'm talking about and that smoking isn't haram. So I told them the consensus among scholars is.. More
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.Is it Haram to enter a Ahmadi masjid without any necessity but just to know what they believe in.Alhamdulilah and In'sha'Allah I'm a firm believer in Islam and don't think and Insha'Allah it won't effect my Imaan if I went in the Masjid of the Ahmadi JazzakAllah Khair
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Can a husband do second marriage leaving his first wife without any proper reason
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Assalam alikum I was just wondering is it allowed for a wife to do street dawah with her husband or son etc
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I am a muslim convert and I live with my parents. They are atheists and in home I am controlled and forced to eat pork sometimes. I have a few months left of high-school, after that I can move from home. The only way for me to move from home now would be to quit school. This would be very hard because it is tough to get a sufficient job without this.. More
Assalamu'alaikumWhat is the ruling on using hand sign because it have different meanings like fig sign and how about other sign like when we make a gesture of gun with hand or when counting to 3 and use our thumb, index, and middle finger, because I read that this sign also use to represent trinity concept
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SlmHope u wellI got a question for you, inshallah u can help me with it. A friend if mine recently went to a party and kissed a girl who had just drunk beer. He has approached me and asked."I tasted the beer in her mouth so does that mean that my duas and salah are not accepted for 40 days?" Plz help me give him a beautiful answer which will inshallah.. More
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاتهHow many times is it must to remind someone that what they are doing is haram? Is once enough?
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Assalamulaykum. I'm 19, the eldest child in my family, & I live in America. My family & I are facing a difficult calamity right now. My brother, 14, has apostated from Islam, claiming that he has been an atheist since he was 10. For a long time, I repeatedly advised my father to check what my brother was doing on his electronics because it was.. More
If a muslim who doesn't have much knowledge of Quran and Sunnah gets different answers from two different students of knowledge and he needs to choose one urgently, what should he do? Can he choose the easiest option?
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Salam I have this non muslim lady who works with me . She wanted to know Islam more I tried to explain to her Who Allah swt is and the main purpose of our life. But whenever I try to explain it to her she keeps saying I dont understand so I approached different way to make it easier for her but then again she goes I dont understand, instead she is only.. More
I want to become Muslim, but I doubt all 6 pillars of Faith. If I don't pay attention to these doubts can I say my Shahada and become Muslim?
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Assalam allaykom, I would like to ask you:- why did Islam came late why not the first and last?-why did the bible and taurat changed even though they are also books and words of god?
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You can search for fatwa through many choices