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Please clarify about belief in Qadar, Allah knew everything including his actions and of his creation and wrote it in Al-Lawh Al-Mahfuz, decrees of all things are written, does that only apply to creation or also to allah? Also, all things that happen are created by allah in their essence, attributes and movements, what does "essence" mean here? Please.. More
Assalam alaikum ,I heard that Allah takes the soul of His good slave early if He loves and wants to see him such as the one who recites surah rahman too much .is this true or is there anything similar to this ?jazak allah khair
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I am 17 years old and i am someone, who lost her iman 7 months ago and repented. I was watching a video on Youtube today and the scholar mentioned that Allah tests and gives difficulties to people he loves and the more he loves someone the more this person will face difficulties. As I did not have to experience losses and bad things.. More
Assalamu Alaikum,
In multiple places in Quran, it is mentioned that Allah will not guide the unbelievers and wrongdoers. (5:51, 39:3) However, many disbelievers are guided to islam. This is also mentioned in the Quran.
Can you please inform how to interpret these verses.
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Salamualikum ! I have a question . I firmly believe in that the quran was not created and it is the word of Allah and knowledge of Allah . I dont have any doubt in it . Praise be to Allah alone . But I want to ask something . Since we belive that quran is the knowdlege of Allah, the generations mentioned in quran such as people of Aad or people of prophet.. More
Assalamu Alaikum, I have a question about al qadr. I had trouble understanding it and I read the book by ibn uthaymeen and alhumdulilah it's more clear now. But it's hard for me to understand something, do people choose to believe or disbelieve or is this because of the decree and will of Allah? In the Quran it says that those who believe and do righteous.. More
I know that doubting is Kufr. But if a person has doubts about Islam during their life, thus they were a disbeliever, but resolved their doubt before they died, and died with certain faith, have they died a believer because they did not repent from Kufr ?
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I have a question about Allah's decree. I noticed that most of the time, when I want to participate or do something, it might not always occur. This happens when I think a lot about it. The same occurs when I do not want to participate or do something. Is there a term for this in Islam and any proof as well? Is it proper that one should always think.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Is it incorrect to think negatively of the word "In Shaa' Allah" (Allah willing) when something does not happen? I so far have seen that when I say "In Shaa' Allah" to do something, in the end, I do not do it. A very few times, when I say it, it does actually take place. When I do not say it, it sometimes does happen. Please shred.. More
Is it appropriate to say that Allah has given us all things, including sinful things? Like someone says this movie ticket is given to me by Allah, is this correct? Similarly we say that Allah is the creator of all things. So will it be appropriate to say that Allah is the creator of man made things which are sinful i.e. movies etc?
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Assalaamu alaykum. Sir, I wanted to know whether our thinking has any effect upon our destiny. I mean, it is said that if we think positive, then positive things happen, and that negative things happen if we think negative things. I mean, the hadith Qudsi says, "I am as my slave thinks I am..." So if we say that Allah listens to our supplication, He.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Why has Allaah threatened to punish us if we do not obey His orders? He is not in need of anyone, so why does He punish us if we do not obey Him? I hope that you will give me a direct reply instead of referring me to a link. May Allaah reward you.
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I was wondering; is it accurate to say regarding a killed or murdered non-Muslim possible fate that if someone is killed unfairly, then their life has been cut short, which interferes with the natural flow of destiny, and henceforth that person had no chance to come to belief later in life because their life was cut short, and then due to the possibility.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Is it true that Allah, the Exalted, asked each and every person before sending them to the world whether they want to go to the world and earn Paradise through their own deeds or rather they just pass and go to Paradise? Is there any reference of such thing in the Quran or Hadith?
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Assalaamu alaykum, Shaykh. I am a 15-year-old who is currently doing Da‘wah (proselytization), and I just want to verify some information that I have given someone. This is with respect to the following questions: Does God have the power to create a stone which He can not carry? Does He have the power to be unjust? Does He have the power to lie, or.. More
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