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2837 fatwas

  • Reacting to people who say or do what leads to Kufr

    Assalaamu alaykum. During our life, we may have uttered words of Kufr (disbelief) and may have done acts of Kufr. We may have uttered a word without realizing that it takes one out of the fold of Islam. Can we renew our faith every day by repenting to Allah and repeating the testimony of faith? I am asking these questions because, nowadays, we sings.. More

  • Waswaas about committing Kufr I‘raadh

    I have read somewhere:Kufr (disbelief) of I‘raadh (turning away from the truth):when a person has a doubt and is able to learn and find out the truth yet he is satisfied with what he is upon and does not seek the truth. What does it mean exactly? Does it mean that whenever a person has a doubt or is unaware of a ruling or has doubt about Kufr,.. More

  • Whether meteors still stone devils now

    Assalaamu alaykum. Where the verses about the jinn and meteors only about the Prophet's, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam,time, and not about the present? .. More

  • Prophets are free from shortcomings

    Were the Prophets free from any shortcomings? I do not mean anything that may be disrespectful to a Prophet; I mean things like physical problems and things like forgetfulness etc. .. More

  • Calling person ‘Khoda’ ('Allah' in Urdu)

    Assalaamu alaykum. A girl who loves me very much said that I am her Khoda (which we use for 'Allah' in Urdu). Here, the problem is not whether Khoda is the name of Allah or not, but the problem is that when we say Khoda (as everyone says in India and Pakistan), we mean Allah Almighty. Is what she said Kufr (disbelief)? If it is Kufr, then what should.. More

  • Dying without repenting from minor Shirk

    Does Allah forgive minor Shirk (polytheism) if a believer dies with this sin unrepeated? .. More

  • Saying that Allah is not good is disbelief

    Assalaamu alaykum. My Sister said that Allaah does not listen to her and that He is not good. My sister said this in front of me, and I told her to repent, but she refused. She said this because she is upset with our family problems. She is married with a Barelvi man. Is her marriage valid? And what should I tell her to do? Does she need to renew her.. More

  • Statement of Ibn Abd Al-Haadi about visiting Prophets' graves

    As-Subki quoted the following from Ibn Al-‘Arabi: "But the visitor of a grave should not seek to benefit from the deceased, because this is an innovation. Benefiting is only allowed from the grave of Prophet Muhammad and other Prophets." [Sharh Al-Muwatta by Ibn Al-‘Arabi, As-Saarim Al-Munki chapter 4] Ibn Abdul-Haadi replied in great detail. Please,.. More

  • Not correcting sinner is not disbelief

    Assalaamu alaykum, Sir. Please tell me, if you see anyone involved in any sin or committing (an act of) disbelief but he does not know about it while I do know that that thing is very serious but at the same time I do not have any courage or dare not to correct him, will I also become a disbeliever in that case? I do hate the sin/disbelief in my heart;.. More

  • Ruling on Muslim who says that Jesus is his god

    My question is simple: what if a Muslim says, "Jesus is my God"? What will happen? What if the person who says that was a Christian before? What if it is a female and she was emotional and stupid? .. More

  • Keeping needed videos and books that have image of cross

    Assalaamu alaykum. I apologize for sending so many questions, but I am confused with the matter of having the cross in my possession. Suppose that I have videos of history or books or any other objects that have a cross in it and I am unable to erase it from some, especially in video form, what do I do? Can I let it be as it will not be displayed everytime.. More

  • Whether Prophets or Ummah of Muhammad enter Paradise first

    I heard from my childhood that we, the Ummah (community) of Muhammad, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, will enter Paradise first and that the other Ummahs of the rest of the Prophets, peace be upon them, will enter next. The question is: will the other Prophets also enter Paradise after the Ummah of Muhammad, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam? As we know,.. More

  • Whether Al-Badee‘ is of the Names of Allah

    I have been looking in Shaykh ibn Uthaymeen’s Al-Qawaa‘id Al-Muthlaa to find the name Al-Badee‘, but I could not find it. However, in surat Al-Baqarah 2:117 "Badee‘ (Originator) of the heavens and the earth. When He decrees a matter, He only says to it, “Be,” and it is" Ibn Kathir mentioned in his Tafseer (Quran exegesis) (The Badee‘[Originator].. More

  • All malice removed from hearts of people of Paradise

    Assalaamu alaykum. Some say that there is a contradiction because 7:43 says that we will not have malice while 83:34 says that we will. May Allaah reward you. .. More

  • How retribution among people is exacted in the Hereafter is matter of Unseen

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have a question about the Scale on the Day of Judgement. I have heard that the good deeds of the non-Muslims will be scattered to dust. If a non-Muslim owes a Muslim good deeds, does this mean that they cannot transfer good deeds to them? And if a Muslim owes a non-Muslim good deeds, will these good deeds turn into dust after being.. More