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651 fatwas

  • Who is better: the new Muslim or the repentant Muslim sinner?

    Asalamualaikum, who is better in the sight of Allah (swt)? a murderer or rapist? an adulterer or someone who deals with usury? a liar or a theif? Who is better in Allahs (swt) sight? A Muslim who has been practising for years but commitd zina (then repented) or a new convert to Islam?.. More

  • In distress and wishing to die

    Assalam Alikum, my younger sister took khula on the advise of my mom because she was physically abused by her mother in law. against the court orders the husband took away the infant. my sister was depressed that after iddath she was married to older ,three times divorced man on the promise that he will take her for a life time. this man divorced his.. More

  • Feeling remorse after committing sins

    As Salam u Alaykum, I often get sudden backflashes and remember sins of the past.It is very painful and I hate the memory and then myself.I ask Allah to make me forget.The acts were 10 years ago and I repent everyday.I paid Kafara. What else can I do? How will I know Allah forgave me? How can I regain my self esteem again when I am always burdened with.. More

  • Take the initiative to immediately repent to Allah

    Selam aleykum, I have a big problem with myself, please help me. 4 years ago I had a boyfriend, he was not a Muslim. I am a Muslim. We were in love. I left my family (they did not agree with relation) and we lived together. I got pregnant. After 100 days (3,5 months) I did abortion, because I was afraid of the reaction of my family. He was very sad... More

  • Help your colleagues but do not harm yourself

    assalam alaikum.i am a medical student and alhamdulillah Allah has bestowed me with a hard working spirit and a good understanding of the material.i stay in the female hostel(sakan)of the university.because i do well,many students want assistance from me,and since our course is so stressful,sometimes its so hard for me to help everyone since our course.. More

  • Deeds that elevate a person’s status in Paradise

    What are the good deeds that raise the status of a believer in Paradise?.. More

  • Da‘wah after repentance is a positive sign

    A young man used to practise sodomy and adultery and then repented to Allaah The Almighty. Now he wants to deliver lectures warning people against doing evil deeds. What is the Sharee'ah ruling on this? How can he increase his repentance and faith? .. More

  • Magician’s repentance

    What is the ruling on the one who used to be a magician but repented before he died?.. More

  • Left Canada but still receives government allowance for his children

    I use to live in canada for 10 years and i use to receive a goverment allowance for my children. Now i moved to emirates and i still send my income report every year to canada. Is it halal for me to take the allowance for my children since the govement doesnot know im outside?.. More

  • Abidance by Islam is the solution in non-observant societies

    What are the guidelines that help us remain on the right path in a non-observant society? .. More

  • Used to get massage by alien women

    Dear Sir, I am staying in Dubai alone. Due to childrens' education, my family is away from me and she can not stay with me. When I feel tired or exuasted, I usualy go for body massage parlour where girls are giving massgae service. Alhamulillah I never did zina with any woman, but I am worried if taking body massage also is a sort of Zina Sageera and.. More

  • Apprehension contradicts true reliance on Allaah

    Sometimes I feel apprehensive about the future, despite the fact that I have a good job. How can I deal with such feelings? .. More

  • Reliance upon Allaah

    Salaam. In the Quran 3:159 “…then when you have taken a decision, tawakkal (put your trust )in Allah. Syed Qutb , says that the Rasul s.a.w. quotes this verse when the sahabah went to see him and ask whether he would want to reconsider the decision to protect Medina at Uhud . The lesson to be drawn is that once a decision has been taken, one should.. More

  • Repentance for refraining from forbidding evil

    If a person repents for not enjoining good and forbidding evil, will it be accepted? The person is determined to enjoin good and forbid evil in the future. He also intends to tell those who sinned that he was mistaken for not forbidding them from doing evil in the past. .. More

  • Validity of the righteous deeds of a person who stole something

    about steeling, before one year I made a mistake because I bought a cell phone from Haram Money which I took it illegally from my employer & what I am worrying about is whenever I am praying that Haram cell phone is in my pocket; I mean it is with me. So My Dear Sheikh, I want to know whether my prayer, fasting and supplication is valid or invalid... More