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651 fatwas

  • Being content with what Allaah decreed

    I stare too much in the mirror because my nose is very big. What should I do to gain self-confidence?.. More

  • Governmental administrative regulations are permissible

    Is the enforcement of traffic regulations considered as judging with other than what Allaah has revealed? Is it permissible to violate these regulations? .. More

  • The wisdom for preventing boys from going out at night fall

    I want to know the meaning of the Hadeeth where the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, forbade boys from going out during the first part of the night because devils are around at this time. Can they go out after sunset? .. More

  • Moderation is required from the youth

    I would like to know the reason for the apathy of some Muslim youth when it comes to Da‘wah. They care for political issues more than Da‘wah as we usually find that they have memorized the names of ministers, and follow all the current political issues and news bulletins, but they do not memorize any Chapter of the Quran. Could you please tell.. More

  • The best righteous deeds

    Assalamu alaikum. I would like to know what deeds are considered the most rewarding in the sight of Allah, for e.g. I know that Jihad and seeking knowledge are some. I would like to know what the deeds are in order or rewards, something similar to what is in "Al-Kabair" by Imam Dhahabi, where he lists sins in order of seriousness. JazakAllah khayr... More

  • Worried that her Du’aa' might have caused the death of her relative

    Asalamualaikum, Few years ago I uttered something against one of my relative and his family out of extreme anger for no faults of theirs.I did this privately by saying "may no good come to you and your family".I did this out extreme anger and rage and didn't intend any harm.2weeks later his father expired following a complication from surgery.I had.. More

  • Stole a Mus-haf (a copy of the Quran)

    there was a day. i was in the library and i see the holy coran in side the library,i was surprise .i tought this is not the right place for coran and i stold the holy coran from my question is : did i doe something wrong or good?.. More

  • Will we be held accountable for thoughts we don’t implement?

    Salam Aleikom! I would like to know if a muslim can be punished on the day of judgement for bad thoughts or thoughts of things that are not appropriate for a muslim to think of? and i mean merely thoughts where no actions have been made, or anything bad been taken into practice, only thoughts. Also, is a muslim rewarded for good thoughts and good.. More

  • Not successful and fears to be rejected by Allaah

    asalamuraleikoum, my question is about intelligence and education. i have never been successful at school and i end up now uneducated. i always see many other muslims doing good and many karirs as well. so , this make me feel like , Allah rejects me and make me not successful. i know this conclusion is not appropriate . how should i take this? .. More

  • Had two miscarriages and is eager to have children

    salam.please i wanna ask about something that's really worrying sister in law cannot get pregnant and my sister takes a medicine that she cannot stop to get pregnant and i have had two miscarriages unfortunately, does this mean that Allah SWT is not happy with us?? what can i do to satisfy Allah SWT knowing that i am different than a lot of people.. More

  • Do not grieve at things you failed to get

    As'salamualaikum. I am a student and lately I haven't been able to live my life normally, I get very depressed at numerous occassions. I had an assignment that I thought I have completed every task that was given. I just found out that I missed out important questions, a few days later when I have already handed in my assignment. I feel guilty and very.. More

  • How to be grateful to Allaah

    I often hear that if a believer praises God and makes shukr, then God will bestow more upon the believers, and increase what they have. What is the best way to make shukr? .. More

  • Fear Allaah and you may be successful

    salaaam alykum,,,, sir please i know one girl she is 21 years old on her mouth on lip inside there is written the word الله in arabic not tattoo on her blood vessell subahan ALLAH.. so she want know what she have to do.she is muslim, she pray she is normal muslim girl but she is really want to be a good muslim girl so please sir she want you to.. More

  • Will marry soon and is worried about his past homosexuality

    Salam Sheikh My question is that I am a sunni muslim man 21 y/o I have been tempted to homesexual taughts many times and have acted on them in the past knowing it was wrong. Now I am repenting it and inshallah do not hope to do it again and will be getting married soon. What will happen to me and what is my punishment. Could please quide me as I feel.. More

  • Wants to forget the man she loved and to get rid of the bad female friends

    slam i have a friend who is going through alot of things in her life 1st i well start off by saying she in a young girl like 15 years old she is a very nice girl but then she made new friends who made her get in to alot of bad thing she would like to know what to do now so that she can be happy she was going to marry a man that she liked and who her.. More