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652 fatwas

  • Wants to become intelligent, wise, witty and brilliant

    I am not very intelligent , wise , witty, brilliant etc. I cannot make creative ideas and i have lack of logic skills. I want to become intelligent , wise , witty, brilliant etc. and also want to improve logic and reasoning skills So please help me in improve myself... More

  • She takes care of sick old non-Muslim patients

    Same question needs more answers, plz? I am confused (Inspired by another question)? I am confused some people say you cannot help the dead and then others say if you pray for them and do good deeds in their name you can? I wonder which one is right? I have several patients I have taken care of over the years even outside the hospital , one lady.. More

  • She takes the remaining money after buying food for her company

    Asalamuallikum Brothers in Islam, My question is, my wife has recently got a Job, and she is working a cook in to the place I work as an Accountant, she is paid monthly. However she is given money for the daily meal and she goes to the market and by the necessary food staff for her to prepare the meal. And for the money she is given, she always has.. More

  • How she deals with missing her dead daughter

    Dear brother as you know my daughter passed away 4 months back.She was my only child.Like siad in shariah we are not supposed mourn more than 3 days and should act patiently on such ocassion.I did it the same way.I did not cry when she died and mourned only for 3 days.But being mother there are times when i miss her but i dont cry because me and.. More

  • Disposing of items bought with stolen money

    1. If a man was a thief and he wanted to repent (Tewba) what are the steps and criteria what should he do with his materials ( such as his clothes, shoes, everything) that he bought with the stolen (Haram) money? What should he do about his body built upon Haram food (i.e. bough by Haram money) ? I have overheard a Hadith that the prophet (PBUH) said.. More

  • Has not yet been informed that her newborn daughter is abnormal

    Assalamo aleikom wa rahmatuallah w barakato.Ihave a problem and i dont know how to deal with it,i am a married man alhamdolialah and i have 4 children walilah alhamd .one week ago my sister gave birth to her 6th child, and its a girl walhamdoli alah . But the child is abnormal and her husband and all my family didnt tell her till this time and i dont.. More

  • Allaah does not overburden a person beyond his scope

    i dont know if we shall call this a fatwa or a trial to think.i dont mean to be rude.but i always have this question bugging me. look i have a complex called prayers.i am not exagerating.sorry again if you dont like what i am saying. but i am a person who can not control gases.i know well the fatwa for this.but it means i have to make wodou' every.. More

  • Had a mental disease after he had hurted his neighbours severely

    Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barkatoo. I have done a serious sin 15 years back hurting my nabours severly(trying to sexually assault thier daughter) and they prayed against me that time, at that instance i not accepted the crime with them denying i am not a culprict. time has passed but Allah involved with a strange Mental diseas for which.. More

  • Her ex-husband makes her life miserable

    I know a muslim sister who is a practicing muslim and is divorced from her husband. Her husband is a very highly educated man and but for some reason he is causing so much problems for her and her and this having a direct effect on the children. He is using people to spy on her just to make her paranoid and cause distress. He also pays people to make.. More

  • Impurity of a person who commits Zina

    Assalamo Alaikum: Is that true a person who made Zina ( adulterous) saty 40 days withuot a purification or this person stay in state which any good action he do is not acepted during 40 days... More

  • Decorate your house but avoid extravagancy

    As-salamu'aleikum, There are ahadith like the following Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "What I am most concerned about is the flourishment and the beauty of thus world will be available to you." and "It is not poverty that I fear for you, but I fear that this world will be opened up with its wealth for you...." In the book "Riadh alSaliheen" a.. More

  • He committed many major sins

    Assalaam Alykum, I would like to know the kufara of Kabira gunhas. A person made the following sins. 1.Early age he made physical interaction with underage girl. 2.He use to stole money from others pocket. 3.He lies to the elders. 4.He went 7-8 times to the prostitutes. 5.He made affairs with different grils and made physical relation ship (but not.. More

  • One is not sinful for not loving all his fellow Muslims equally

    As a muslim revert I do my best to be a good muslim. I read once that the prophet SAS never spoke to Hind because the hatred she had for Hamza and the prophet SAS before her becoming a muslim. My sister in law had a fight with my my husband(her brother) and stoped talking to me and even offended me in public. I don't hate her but I can't feel like.. More

  • Calling people with offensive nicknames

    asalamualykum A)my question is about nick names,in my class some of my friends call each other with funny names and the person to whom that funny name is given dosent mind,or feels bad about it, Is it permissible to use nicknames when some body dosent feel bad about it and B)Is the hadeeth saheeh which discribes the prophet(p.B.u.h) when he showed.. More

  • Supplicating for patience when one is not afflicted

    Assalamualaykum, dear scholar, could you please inform me whether is it true that we should not ask for patience when we are living at ease? There is a hadeeth which says that Muhammad saw prevented a sahabi from asking Allah swt for patience since it also means asking for trials. However i've heard that it is a weak hadeeth. Jazaakallah khayr brother.. More