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SalamI have done something very haram to my brothers when I was 12 or 13 years old. I touched their private part. One of them has autism and was awake, and the other does not have autism and was sleeping. I did not know it was haram back then. I also can't tell him what I did because he will probably hate me forever..what should I do?..I'm scared that.. More
Assalam Alaikum, I am from India and I am 23 years old man. When I was child, I am normal like other children but when I was in teenage, many hairs grow up on my face (like dog or monkey), I have many hairs on my whole face (like dog or monkey). This hairy disease name is werewolf syndrome.Everyone says me, you are doggy-boy Or monkey-man. I have decided.. More
AssalamualaikumCan we tell lie to a patient to give him hope?
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Assalamu Alaikum ; My father is a doctor . He gets a good amount of salary , but he does not like spending money on me happily . After a lot of requests and begging he buys me some clothes and shoes and that too of low quality . He gives me just Rupees 600 ( i.e around 8 dollars) per month as pocket money . I need to cover everything from this small.. More
It may be better if this isn't posted publicly. I am 30 and have always loved Islam and enjoyed Da'wah work. Around 10 months ago some doubts creeped in (too complicated to explain) plus a fear of responsibility and the future; now I feel I have totally lost my faith and my humanity. Because these doubts creeped in when I was listening to Islamic material,.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, respected Shaykhs. What does affliction in the religion mean? I am afflicted with magic and possession by the jinn, and I face a lot of difficulties in worshipping Allah, the Exalted, properly. Is this affliction in my religion? May Allah reward you, Shaykhs.
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Shaykh, my question is with regards to revenge/forgiveness. If I was wronged, verbally or physically, in any way and choose to forgive the person and ask Allah, the Exalted, to simply restore my rights to me and (and not ask Allah, the Exalted, to take revenge on my abuser due to my inability to), if.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Sheikh, my family face a lot of problems in this world. Allah has given ten children to my parents; six daughters and four sons. My parents love all of them and treat them nicely. We even pray to Allah and ask only Him. Five of them sisters got married, and three of them have become disabled (they have not been able to walk normally.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Sir, I worked for a company for more than 20 years. Since a couple of years, many inappropriate things started occuring there (such as drinking etc.) due to which the boss of the company and my colleague (who was always backbiting me in front of the boss) were always blaming me for nothing. I tolerated these things for almost two.. More
Assalaamu alaikum. Is it disliked to get angry for worldly purposes, or can oneget angry inside but it is disliked to express the anger? To me, the hadith which says, “Do not get angry,” means that we should not get angry for worldly reasons in the first place. However, anger for the sake of Allah is good, and with the parents, it is haram. Another.. More
Is everything in life predetermined? If someone gets divorced, is that part of their decree/destiny? Even if it is a choice, how is it the woman's fault if her husband's parents are ordering him to divorce her and refuse any reconciliation? The couple has a baby. The girl's family tried endlessly to achieve reconciliation, but the husband's family does.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I remember that years ago, a lot of violation happened between two nations, Algerians and Egyptians, and they said very bad things, including all sorts of swearing and other similar stuff. Then today, I saw a post from an Egyptian speaking about the nudity on the beaches of Algeria. My question is: what should I do if I saw someone.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I recently messaged you regarding my 15-year-struggle with acne and the psychological trauma that it has caused me. You recommended that I stay patient and mentioned the benefts of patience. I have tried to do so, but I find myself losing faith. I do not see a way out of my problem as I have consulted multiple doctors, and I cannot.. More
Assalaamu alaykum and may Allaah reward you. I want to know the condition of this man in the sight of Allaah, The Exalted, based on the text. He used to believe in Christian/Islamic concepts, then he was a Shia, then he finally became a Sunni. He was living like a sinful disbeliever most his life; when he turned 19 years old, he got arrested for talking.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. On my last visit to Makkah, I got very sick. I feel that it was due to the cold water that I drank. My mother had told me to drink the 'not cold' one. However, she agreed that I drink the cold one in front of me, but I feel that it was not the same inside, and when I apologised after getting.. More
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