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651 fatwas

  • A manager making fake accounts to pay for the short of money he is not responsible for

    asalam alaykum,i am a manager of a company and i say i have used money in various activities which in real sense i havent used.i do this to pay for the short of money that arise daily and which i cannot account for. am i doing wrong?,because i havent taken the money and i cannt aford to pay.please advice ,shukran .. More

  • While repenting, strive to reform the corruption you caused

    I am a young man who used to watch pornographic films and share them with my friends, but Allaah The Almighty has guided me to the right path and to repentance. I got rid of all the tapes except one that is with a friend of mine who refuses to return it to me, and I have repeatedly advised him. Am I sinful? .. More

  • Causes of religious inactivity and the way to reform

    What are the reasons behind religious inactivity and how can we cure it?.. More

  • Repentance until sun rises from the West

    Is the appearance of the Antichrist one of the Major Signs of the Hour? Will repentance no longer be accepted once any of the Major Signs of the Hour appears? .. More

  • He got his driving license with money some of which was taken unlawfully

    A Salaamu Alakykum Sheikh, Three year ago I used to learn Driving from Driving Institutes/school, I paid $1000 USD for training fee, but $500 USD of it was not mine, I took it illegally from s/one, because I became without money and I was intending to return the money to its owner. Now I have driving licence and sometimes I drive for the boss, and.. More

  • Manipulating the mid-day meal scheme in schools

    What is the opinion of the Olma-E-Din (Clergies) and Muftiyane Shara-E-Matin (Priests) about the following Problem. Mid Day meal is a govt. scheme and under this scheme mid-day-meal is supplied to the children of primary schools and madarsas. For this the govt. bears all the expenditures including cooking charges. In our city for distributing mid-day.. More

  • She took some discarded pieces of glass from her company

    Assalamalaikum, I work for a company, they had glass which they had used for fixing door, in that two small pieces of glass, previously they were throwing it and later some they utilized, i have a hobby of making waste materials for some kind of crafts etc., so i had told my office boy to show me the materials which is about to throw, if i can reuse.. More

  • Ruling on a woman who supports her children and her sick husband

    What is the rulling in islam on a muslim lady who supports his familly because husband is sick and cannot do that . They have children 15,12 and 4. The lady is not complaining as she took it as an exam from Allah and she is patient with the situation . She has been doing so for the last 10 years now.GOD has given her a better job and she can take care.. More

  • He bought himself household appliances with money taken illegally from another person

    6 year ago I look Harram Money and I bought one TV at $150, one Microwave at $170 and one Video Recorder at $80. I know the person who the money belongs to but I can't tell him that I look his money illegally because he can damage my reputation. Just I want to pay him back. 1. The TV with same brand and same model number was discontinued by the manufacturer.. More

  • Whoever cheats us is not one of us

    ASSLAMWEALYKUM , Am working with my father firm which we are a dealer for a big co., there are a dealers for other big co, our business same only the brand the different , here is my question , this days the co which we are dealer for they have a problem to supplie for us some products due to this case I can not full fill the need of my clients, then.. More

  • He is under depression because he has contracted diabetes

    Dear Brother Salam, I am 28 years old. recently I have got diabetes type 1. which made very sad. I feel this is becuase of my sins I got diabetes & not taking care of my health. though I don't have bad habits of drinking & smoking. my family is depandant on my source of earning. I work in gulf. now my situation is that I am not being able to cope with.. More

  • Wants to supplicate against her ex-husband and his new wife

    Assalamo alaikom, I married a converted Muslim. While we were married he used to chat with another woman from my country. I asked them to stop, but both were very attached to each other. She invited him to visit her. Their relationship became stronger, so he divorced me and he marry her, because he said he is not happy with me. I have a child with him... More

  • Danger of committing sins after being warned against them

    Salaam Alaykum sir, 1) I have a quiet complicated question here. Many a times I have warned my younger brothers from commiting sin which they see others doing and I said them that "You wil be punished more severely by ALLAH (Almighty) because I have warn you against sins but those whom you see committing sins will be not punished as rigorous like.. More

  • A disabled child is not a punishment for his mother's sins

    What do Quran say about baby born with abnormalities? Here in india people blame the mother for an abnormal baby born to her?Are there any reasons for which a baby is born disabled?Sometime it is said probably the mother had done something very bad in past for which she is been punished by Allah by giving her an abnormal baby.Please explain in detail. Thank.. More

  • She wants to repent for cursing her husband who wronged her

    Assalamo Alaykum! May Allah bless you for spreading awareness of our religion and answering our troubling queries! 1)- A person wronged someone by calling him bad names and then he wanted to repent sincerely for his sin. So, he went to the one whom he had wronged and asked for forgiveness but the wronged one refused to forgive him. In this.. More