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651 fatwas

  • Wants to evade paying the hospital bills of his mother who has no health insurance

    Dear Brother-in-Islam Assalam Alaikum! My question is very subjective so you need to understand the whole situation. My mother came in US about 9 years ago on visit visa and stayed with us since then. She was nearly 56 years old, didn’t have any asset/income and had some chronic diseases like diabetics, arthritics, etc. We (myself and my other siblings).. More

  • Virtue of helping other Muslims

    It is mentioned in a Hadeeth (narration) that there are slaves of Allah the Almighty whom He has assigned for fulfilling the needs of others. He made them love goodness and endeared goodness to them and they will be saved from the torment of Allah the Almighty on the Day of Judgment. Who are these slaves? May Allah reward you. .. More

  • Showing off is related to acts of worship

    AsalamoALikum My Question is with regard to following situations and whether they would be counted as ria or not. Some one brings for me a dress to wear which is not liked by me due to its style and supposing that it is usually taken awkward by people who come to a tution class of mine than would it be ria because I did not wear that dress for that.. More

  • Took somebody's laptop illegally and wants to repent

    aas-salamu 'alaikum! hi i think this is a right place to ask a question: i am trying to enter into islam wholeheartedly, and i have almost done so. i was too bad. what i have done is very shameful for me. can you give me a guidance to solve my following problem please? i found a laptop somewhere. after getting that i destroyed all the documents.. More

  • Stole a sum of money from his employer before leaving his job

    Assalamu Alaykum Dear Sheikh, Before 5 year I was an accountant and I took illegally $1000 USD from my employer and my aim was not to steal but I wanted to return the money back when I take my salary. Unfortunately I left from the company and I did not get change to return the money back to the owner. My Question is what is the best way that I can.. More

  • His friend took his money and then denied that he had taken anything from him

    Assalamu Alai Kum, I am from india and have been cheated by my close muslim friend(UAE National) whom I considered brother in UAE, I handed him my money in his car, next day he gave me false story and said it is not with him. I filled police complaint against him, but due to lack of witness or proof(since money was given in car), he could not be procecuted... More

  • Took others’ money and can not pay them back

    How does one who has taken people's property unlawfully repent when he does not have the money to return them.. More

  • Allaah helps His slave as long as His slave helps his Muslim brother

    Assalamualaikum Warahmatulla. I belong to a place in india, which was affected by floods and is still reeling under miseries of the aftermath. Relief to the flood victims is pouring in from many generous individuals and groups. During one such incident, packets of milk was being distributed and people had gone crazy and snatching away the packets,.. More

  • She collected donations but did not give them to the intended beneficiaries

    Assalam alaikum When I was younger and before I became practicing, we had a sponsered read that I took part it, the money I collected had to be given in, but I did not attend school that day so the money was left in my hands. I then gave it as sadaqah, but I feel fear that I may be held accountable for my actions. Do I have to return the money back?.. More

  • Will Allaah forgive a Muslim who made another Muslim angry?

    as salam ualeikum.if any muslim angry with other muslim ,or husband with wife, or wife with husband.that angry one says:"i'll never forgiv u not in this life nor in that and even if ALLAH will ask me :will u forgive him [her] ? i'll say no"tell me please will ALLAH forgiv that muslim who make angry anothermuslim .even if he [she] asks many time for.. More

  • Procrastinates while he is able to pay back his debt

    Assalamu'aleikum, A person borrowed money from his friend. Then they got into a serious argument after which they started to avoid each other (the borrower betrayed his friend). Now his ex-friend asked for his money back but although the borrower is able to pay, he refuses. Should his ex-friend forgive him (which he doesn't really want to do because.. More

  • His business has suffered greatly due to the world monetary crisis

    Dear Sir, Assalamualikum, My name is Raza Ahmed and I work in Dubai as Property consultant, I got married in 24th October 2007 with my parents wish and they became very happy, after marry I got very good deals and I made so much money, since last year July 2009 I am very much upset because after July 2008 I didn’t sale any property till October,.. More

  • Giving up sins for the sake of people

    Assalamu Alaikum. If someone leaves a haram act for a human beings sake instead of Allah's sake. Wat is the fiqh on this? JazakumAllahukhairan.. More

  • Phone sex as a form of Zina

    These days mobile phones have become very commmon and often boys and girls tend to have sex on phone by pretending to be and sounding like having real sex together. Even though physically both are apart, but they fantasize having sex together. I wanted to ask whether this thing as a sin is equal to having real physical zina? Or it is less than a real.. More

  • Wants to become intelligent, wise, witty and brilliant

    I am not very intelligent , wise , witty, brilliant etc. I cannot make creative ideas and i have lack of logic skills. I want to become intelligent , wise , witty, brilliant etc. and also want to improve logic and reasoning skills So please help me in improve myself... More