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1048 fatwas

  • There is nothing wrong with supporting your son financially, even if he does not pray

    I have a shop which my son is directly in charge of. The shop needs repairs that would cost a sum of money. My son is an honest person with regards to money. He is active, fears Allaah and does not take drugs or commit sins – as far as I know. We have a good reputation, praise be to Allaah, and everything in the shop is lawful. However, my son does.. More

  • Wife declares her sins

    I have been married for more than five years. However, I lead the most miserable days in my life with my wife because she is infertile and has a bad past. Moreover, she is not regretful for her past sins. Rather, she is regretful because she did not do such-and-such of sins and she declares that. I thought that she was mentally disturbed and I would.. More

  • Ruling on teaching a woman how to please her husband

    A woman teaches one of her sisters how to treat her husband, how to please him and which words should be said to him, such as ‘you are the apple of my eyes’ and other expressions. Noting that she uses a polite style and does so out of giving advice for the Sake of Allaah and to help her sister to be an affectionate wife according to the Hadeeth.. More

  • Academic failure does not justify religious violations

    My 22-year-old daughter quit education as a result of her academic failure. Accordingly, she feels jealous of her younger brother and hates him as she feels he is superior to her. She accuses me of favoring him and standing by his side. She has not talked to me for over two months now. Should I take the initiative and talk to her first? .. More

  • How to tell your husband that you love him

    How could my husband know that I love him?.. More

  • One is blameless for not telling parents about the reason for not having children

    I married a relative of mine two years ago, but we still do not have children. I am suffering from sperm weakness and we are trying to seek a treatment for this secretly. Is it permissible for us to conceal the cause of not having children as well as the problems that we are facing from our parents? Knowing that we try to achieve our goals secretly.. More

  • Threatening wife with divorce to do unlawful deeds

    There is a man who wants to compel his wife to watch porno movies with him though he knows that such an act is unlawful. He gave her the choice either to watch with him or to divorce her. However, she insists on refusing this act in spite of the probability of divorce. Should she obey him in doing an act of disobedience to Allaah? May Allaah Reward.. More

  • Impermissible to use mother's belongings without her consent

    assalamu 'alaykum my mom bought a music player long time ago, and she used to tell me to download so and so songs to it. after some time, i then stopped listening to music, and i didnt even want to support anyone else to carry on sinning. i then told her politely that i cannot download music on to it, but Qur'an recitiation im prepared to download for.. More

  • Parents demanding their married son to support his lazy brother

    As Salam Alaikum, For the past 10 yrs my husband's parents have been insisting to the point of demanding that my husband bear the expenses of their younger lazy, healthy, normal, adult son & his family along with them & their unmarried daughter. They have spent almost all their own money on their lazy son & now want my husband to bear all.. More

  • A husband asking his wife what sins she did while away

    Assalamo Alikum wa ramat Allah wa barakatuh, I need to know whether I can ask my wife for her sins when I am not with her because she refuses to answer me when I ask her if she did any sins when I wasn’t with her because she doesn’t want to uncover her sin. My wife is a recent muslim since about 4 years ago and she is living in an European country.. More

  • Relations between her husband and parents are strained

    Assalaam alaikum My husband is my parents' paternal cousin and unfortunately, they do not get on well with each other. They are always having petty and meaningless arguments and I am caught in the middle. My husband hardly talks to them or visits them and when they visit us, he is very cold toward them. If I say anything, he gets angry with me and says.. More

  • They throw away food from neighbors for fear of poison

    Salaam Alaikum, In our home country (India) whenever food is sent by neighbour, our women usually throw their food as customary saying that it may contain poison to harm us as many other people were suffered in the locality by foods given by neighbors? So is this practice Halal? Jazaak ALLAHu Khair. .. More

  • What it means to be 'stern' with the disbelievers

    Assalamu Alaykum.Why does Allah SWT tell us to be stern against the disbelievers in 48:29 and 5:54?Jazakallah Khayr .. More

  • How to deal with an abusive, sinful mother

    this is a story of my mom...once she saw she dint like me..she hated me..she never wnted ppl know dat am her daughter..coz she wnted to look young..i saw my mom wen i was 16 yrs mom used to call my dad and everyone in the family and speak bad abt me and she called me a prostitute wen i do a mistake.wat i knw if i do a mistake my mom shuld correct.. More

  • How to respond to those who mock Islam

    asalamualikum my question is that at work i sometime have to serve a man who is anti islam. when he found out my name is Mohammed he made a comment about me getting virgins in heaven. then when i served him another time he said have you started drinking. i replied to him with a name like Mohammed i would never drink. i think i said it to him to make.. More