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Ruling on parents not allowing their daughter to talk to her husband when she is at the parents house because they had an argument and she came to her parents house but they told her to not talk to him is it haram for her to talk to him behind parents because she doesn’t want him to think she doesn’t care about him and she only wants the issue.. More Question is that my husband is a builder.according to government policy he is allowed to build only 2floor but he gives bribe to the development authority to build 4floor because if he built only 2floor nobody is going to buy flat for such a huge amount like 80lakh.if he built 4floor price will reduce to approx 50 or 55lakh which.. More
Asslaum Aleikum I am a disabled woman and when I call up my parents as an adult they say hurtful things to me on purpose. Then they say they want to take me to a hospital where they live but when I used to be with them in the car they would unislamic things and say mean things to me and i would find it hard to breathe. Is it bad to disobey them and.. More
What are the rights of younger siblings over his older siblings?
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If someone promised parents not to watch something haram but they ended up doing so, are they obliged to apologize to parents? Or would that be exposing their sins? What if they are scared of being yelled at by them.
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Assalamu Alaikum, as we know it's even haram to say "Uff" to parents but what about step mom? Does this ruling also apply to her? I'm asking because I and her sometimes have heated loud arguments. Am I committing a grave majoring sinDo I HAVE to treat and respect her like my actual mother(NOTE:I met her when I was 9 and now I am 16 so she did not raise.. More
My husband gets angry when I am on my period because he wants to have sex. I am having some hormonal problems and my periods have prolonged till 13 days now. He ends up being rude and frustrated. What can I do to please him. Are husbands allowed to mentally torture their wives with this kind of behaviour? There's nothing that I can do.
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu Is it permissible to regret about wasted opportunities be it in wordly or religious matters?
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My paternal aunt has given us many gifts (like air conditioner) using her husband's money, while he was not aware. Her husband gave her the money to use for her household things but she gave the extra money to us. Is this regarded as stone money? Do we have to return all the gifts?
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As salam ahlaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.So there’s this girl that comes from a very difficult family, where they all shout and fight all day long. (Parents, siblings, …) This would annoy her neighbors. However she knew that annoying neighbors is haram, but she didn’t know it was a major sin at all. (she tought it would be a minor sin) She.. More
Assalamu Alaykum, he didnt reply to the salam of his brother in law for many months and ignored him because his brother in law was said to have cheated on his sister. when his sister told him what her spouse did he just believed her and of course most of the family were of the view that he did cheat so he just believed them that he cheated. is he sinful.. More
As Salam Alaykum Shaikh, Recently a person I know who is 18 years old male was abused and insulted by his family because they came to know that the person walks 10 mins to reach the masjid which is about 750 meters, they made him bursts in to tears in they way they abused him, they threatened and made a conclusion that if you want to pray, pray in the.. More
Asalaam aleykum. first i want to thank you for the quick response to my previous question regarding Riba. may Allah increase you in knowledge and grant you long life so that you continue to help us. amin. i have questions about Relating to non - muslims. 1st, i have been giving sadaqah to a poor family that claim to be muslims, but they no longer offer.. More
Assalam U AlaikumI know a girl who is facing domestic abuse, and the only way to save her is to marry her. However, my parents aren't happy with this decision. They will accept it if I try to convince them, but they won't be happy with it. What would be more pleasing to Allah SWT, saving this girl or pleasing my parents?Jazak Allah
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My father told me has girlfriends and he also pays prostitutes for services. My mother knows this but she says that she will never divorce or separate from him because he provides financial support. I saw my dad raping a girl that visited the house and now she is in mental institute. My dad drinks alcohol and beats my mom. My mom still does nothing... More
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