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1048 fatwas

  • She suspects that her mother's money is partially unlawful

    Asalam o alaikum!! If someone is pious and obeys all the necessary orders of Allah and can't disobey Him in large matter but she comes to know that some of the earnings of her mother can be unlawful because she doesn't go for job daily but on all the necessary days. As this is my case. My mother is religious and a doctor but she doesn't go for job daily.. More

  • A son stealing money from his father

    I do steal my father money, because when i ask him to give me certain amount, he never give me, even the money he gives me for food is never enough, have i committed sin by taking his money? .. More

  • Parents have no right to control their son's life or that of his wife

    My parents in law are always interfering in every matter after marriage. Even in my husbands absence I am expected to be at their home and they decide when I can go to my home and for how long. They are interfering in our money matters and telling me which dress I should or should not buy and the price range. They compel me to wear jewellery. They decide.. More

  • Dinner with Christian relatives who pray to Jesus at dinner

    My christian relatives have family dinners and they pray aloud to Jesus (peace be upon him) and praise his name. They especially mention his name over the food. I told them I can't eat it and asked them to just say "God" but they refused saying Jesus was Son of God! (astafirAllah!) Should I just not accept the dinner invitation? .. More

  • He doesn't want 'unfaithful' wife to be his wife in Paradise

    If my wife cheats on me and I don't find her and Allah conceals her sins in hereafter, can I choose to NOT marry her in hereafter, because I don't want to live such a wife forever. Is this possible? If I get into Jennah, can't I wish me to know everything, what has happened in the world and get away from my wife or do I have live with her Forever. I.. More

  • A fellow Muslim doesn't want to talk to him without reason

    There is a guy who I saw in the mosque and asked him to look on the top shelf for me however he refused and left. I don't know him well at all. I approached him later and asked are you angry with me and basically he said he doesn't want to associate with me and the next time I try to talk to him he will hurt me in my heart I dont hate much and have.. More

  • Her father wants her to cut her hair against her wish

    Assalamu Alaykoum, As a child, my hair was always cut short to my father's likings however now I do not want to have short hair anymore and I have been growing it for the past couple of years and it has grown quite long but not too long (about 15cm down from my shoulders). My dad continuously asks me to cut my hair short and I refuse because when I.. More

  • Reacting to those who insist on discussing debatable religious matters

    there is a man i knw and he asks to many questions in religious disputed matters so i went and tried to explain him that we should not ask to many questions in religious disputed matters we just have to follow our salaf and understand the quran and sunnah according to them but he was still saying that scholars are the one who disputes so i said harsh.. More

  • He wants to leave his abusive parents

    السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ I got a very bad education from my parents, they were always offensive, aggressive and me and my brothers were almost beaten by them in the past(childhood), because little unimportant things. We don't get a islamic education, but elhamdulillah, me and.. More

  • Her mother treats her in a provocative manner

    I have a question regarding how to deal with my mom. I am married with two kids and I have recently realized that my mom is trying to compete with me in how happy I am with my husband and how much money I spend. She even gets very insecure when I talk to my father or he gives me an expensive gift. For the last 15 years my mother has been making fun.. More

  • Husband's protective jealousy over his wife must be reasonable

    As Salaamu Alaykum warahmatullah, I have a question: I am quite strict with my wife related to the opposite gender that if I hear her talk about unrelated males I become unhappy and tell off her. Reason why is because I feel as a good Muslim husband I should make sure she is not in contact or talking about un-related males. I love her a lot and can't.. More

  • Accepting financial support from churches

    What is the sharia ruling on an individual who accepts aid from churches such as food, clothing or monthly stipends for him and his Muslim family? He resides in a European country for the purpose of study and receives a monthly salary from his home country that meets both his demands and that of his family. Is his food and clothing unlawful and what.. More

  • How to deal with a sexually abusive father

    Asalamu aleykum. My father has abused (inappropriately touching and kissing) three of my older sisters when they were teenagers. They came forward with this when my father also started to abuse our 10 year old niece. My father is now 60 years old and very sick. As a family we decided to not go public with this as it will diminish our family name and.. More

  • Harming the daughter-in-law is an injustice and manifest sin

    What is the Sharee‘ah ruling on the mother who treats her daughter-in-law badly and plans to make her life miserable. That woman does not feel shame to falsely accuse her daughter-in-law of any accusation. She does so to get her son’s love for herself only. What should the son do when his mother asks him to punish his guiltless wife? .. More

  • Keeping a wife who stole if she repented and showed virtue

    I would like to relate my problem in the hope of receiving your response as quickly as possible, for it is a serious matter. I have a brother who is living in France; he got married only last summer, and my other older brother, who lives in France as well, was the one who recommended the bride. These days, my married brother faces a very difficult situation;.. More