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1048 fatwas

  • Sacrificing profitable job to be dutiful to parents

    Asalam alikum wr wb Sheikh, my queston is that i was working in saudi till last year.i came back and decided to stay with my parents as i am only son of my parents and my sister got married.i tried to bring my parents to saudi but there passport is not yet ready bcoz in kashmir it takes years may be 2 to 3 i am searching job in kashmir and.. More

  • She accuses her father-in-law of hypocrisy husband is a born muslim but his mother is a non muslim...his father is muslim but is more like a munafiquin...Alhumdullilah my husband has learned islam after marriage and is practicing sunnah in every stage...i dislike my in laws a lot and find it very hard to respect them..they are old and its our duty to take care of husband loves.. More

  • Her future sister-in-law cut ties with her

    Aoa mufti sahab.i had a small quarrel on phone with my brother's future wife few days back.we both say things to each other.after that for the next whole week i kept on calling her and messaging her saying sorry.she didnt reply to any of my message and she used to disconnect my call immediately.atlast i called her mother and said sorry.i cried a lot.. More

  • Wife's relatives have more right upon her than husband's relatives

    Salaam, i recently had a quarrel with a friend about an issue. the issue was that he was saying that a husband's relatives (excluding parents) have a higher status/ should be more important to a wife than her own relatives(excluding parents). My stance was that they hold the same status or importance to a wife. Kindly let me know whose stance is right.. More

  • Wife not obliged to keep ties with difficult in-laws

    As Salaam o Alaikom, I married against my parents which I regret now but my in laws supported me and my husband and were a part of our nikah. My husband was brought up by his grand parents who paseed away long before our marriage. Later when my parents inquired about our marriage my in laws promised to take responsibility of both me and my husband and.. More

  • Parents' rights come in priority over those of wife and children

    Question regards Family home as part of inheritance. If I die before my parents, I understand they will be entitled to 1/6th each of my estate. I assume this includes the value of my main family home. However, because I live in London the value of the home has risen considerably since I bought it many years ago. My worry is that my wife would have to.. More

  • How to treat underage servants

    Salam. I wanted to ask about the rights of servants within Islam. Are children under the age of puberty allowed to be kept as servants and if so, how do the people who keep them have to treat them? Aren't education and kind treatment obligatory? If one's parents do not give proper treatment to the servants, how should the children react? Jazakallah .. More

  • His manager refuses letting him travel to see his sick father

    im working in ksa and my father in anther country but now he is very very ill and i need to go see him but my manger in work refused .. More

  • Her mother urges her not to consummate marriage with her husband

    Salam wa alikum May Allah bless you for the work you do and the help you give. May Allah grant you and your descendants jannah and bless you therein. I am 20 years old and recently got married in march 2012 I made istikhara before I made my decision to get married and accepted afterward. The person I Maried is within the family and everyone especially.. More

  • He is depressed because of his family's disrespect toward him

    Dear Assalamualiakum, I am undergoing mental intense Depression infrequently but it lasts more and has effected me. I have put question in the past also and it is due to my disrespect in my own home among my other family members. I am living in combined family system which is probably against islamic teachings. The social problems in my home has made.. More

  • His in-laws cut ties with his wife because he cut ties with them

    This question is to help my wife to make right decision. I have serious problems with my in-laws. My brother-in-law cheated me and stolen my money. My father-in-law tried to fool me to get money out of my bank but I managed to safeguard myself. My father-in-law is a kind of guy who did many Umrahs and 3 times Hajj but no hesitation to take Riba. Infact.. More

  • Concerns of a Muslim girl living in a Western country

    My family and i live in a Western Country. I have sisters younger than me. My parents, in my opinion seem not to be so islamic. I feel like they aren't really living a Muslim lifestyle. I feel like that they have other priorities that they put first. Allahu Alaa'm. I really don't know if i'm being to judgemental. I mean they of course pray, fast,.. More

  • Mixing with people should be controlled by Islamic conditions

    Assalam Alaikum! If a women think that she is weak in her talking skills, can she avoid , keeping contact with most of the people? in her society,when a person don't talk nicely,people think that person is proud. she was bought up by making her to talk nicely..eventually she end up in gossip.. because most people mostly interest in gossip only. every.. More

  • His new wife created rift between him and his relatives

    As-salamu-alaikum mufti,our father-in-law has remarried after our mother-in-laws death,a lady of his own choice(uneducated,widow,issue less) and asked all of his children to look out for their own way of livelihood and to live separately, and that he will lead his life of his own choice. By Allah's mercy&grace we are all working&leaving.. More

  • Her parents are too strict with her

    How to deal with Parents,who dont allow freedom of meeting friends and going out,and the parents who think that daughters life starts after marriage,so before that she is not allowed to take her decisions or go out with her companions but stay at home always.Though educations is granted and working is allowed. There is no presence of a Head that.. More