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1048 fatwas

  • Her husband is sluggish and wasting his time

    Assalamu alaykum,I hope you can help me with an issue I have regarding my husband; We married a year and a half ago (Apr 2012) but we do not live together yet as was agreed by both of us; I still live with my parents. He lives very close to me (5 min drive) and I regularly visit his home to keep him company and fulfil duties that a wife should fulfil.. More

  • Harms of excessive mixing with people

    Salaamu Alaykum warahmatullah. I wanted ask regarding friends and those that don't benefit with time who make one waste time till late at night... Is there any harm in keeping a distance but if they are to contact one keeps generally good ties with them? Is this allowed? Also regarding another question if a person has many people he knows but no longer.. More

  • Hard to pray in home of Christian sister

    Sallam... I am a musilm boy who always pray five times always. When i came to Europe and i live with my sister which is a christian and i have no place to go. Now i cant perform my prayers anymore and sometime pray only Asri in a day because she married to a pastor and i cant pray in there home. And also is more difficult for me to move around. Now.. More

  • The rights of a foster family

    Aselamu Aleykum I am from Ethiopia My age is in 20s and am working in one of the gov't office.Before forwarding my question I put my brief history. I lost my family at early age.then being with my sister who had converted to ISLAM and has a husband I had completed grade 8.Then I moved to my friend's family who are so kind. As My family and relatives.. More

  • He wants to buy a car for his wife but his father refuses

    If a man wishes to buy a second car for his wife to use, with his own money, and his father tells him not to, is it right to go ahead and still buy the car, which he sees as a requirement for her movements, even though he knows that this would displease his father? .. More

  • No connection between cutting off ties with your kin and abandoning homosexuality

    I am single Muslim, I have many complicated issues, I have problems with my parents, and my family, and I struggle with my homosexuality since a long time (15 years ago), I was a sinner, but I try hard to repent and keep holding my faith with Iman & Sabr. I studied about Homosexuality and I knew it has roots to the nurture and parents and family.. More

  • She discovered that her father has a child no one knows about

    Assalamu alaikum, A sister is asking the following question: What should a daughter do if she finds out that her father has another child but no one knows about it? JazakAllahu khayran. .. More

  • You are not obliged to obey your parents in asking your husband for divorce

    Assalamo Aalaykom wa Rahmatou Lah Taala wa Barakatoh, Brothers in Islam I need to ask you a big doubt/problem that I have.. I've got married last month with a brother and everything Hamdolilah was clear, as we've decided to celebrate our Wedding next year Inshaellah. So we made just a small dinner between our nearest familiars celebrating our "Quiran"... More

  • His stepmother behaves badly towards his imprisoned father

    My situation is that my father is currently in jail, living with my grandmother(Father's mother). The issue is that my Step-mother has abused my Father(Currently still-married to her) over the phone whilst he is in jail, and has wasted part of my Father's wealth without his permission on needless un-Islamic clothing's, materials and her own families.. More

  • Dutifulness to parents does not require that one serves them himself

    I am living in Saudi for six years with my wife and kids. After coming to Saudi, in three years, Allhamdolillah, I managed to save & build house in home country as my parents did not have a house but had land only. I registered house in my wife name. My parents are living alone in this house as I dont have brother and sister. I want to serve my.. More

  • A Muslim wife living with non-Muslim in-laws

    I want to marry a boy who converted to Islam from Hinduism. He wishes for us to stay with his Hindu parents after marriage. I would be taking care of the house as well as tending to his parents. I know that Islam emphasizes treating parents with respect and caring for them in old age. I want to take care of his parents and live with them. My parents.. More

  • A man is not obligated to tell his family about his marriage

    Asalamu Alaikum. Jazakallah for your time beforehand in reading and replying. I was married for around 1.5 years, in an arranged marriage through family, unfortunately this marriage ended in divorce, my mother became extremely unwell after this news of my divorce, and i was disowned by family, although at this point our relationship is better. My question.. More

  • Son's obligation to provide for his mother

    Assalamu alaykum, Dear Sheikh, My mother is living with my sister as it is the tradition in our community. My mother is not willing to give the inheritance share that belongs to me and is planning to give to my sister. I had been providing monthly expenses to my mother. Is it obligatory in Islam for me to give monthly expenses to my mother since she.. More

  • Who should wife obey, her husband or her mother?

    Respected Sholar, I would like to get an answer for the below question as soon as possible. I am a working lady and mother of two kids (health condition not that good). All my earnings of these many years is given to my husband who take cares of us and love us but spend a lot on his family. Now my mother is really upset with all these especially when.. More

  • It is not undutifulness to let old parents cook for adult sons

    Salaamu Alaykum dear Shaykh, I am in urgent need of an answer for my Situation. May Allah guide us to his truth. Ameen. I have two Questions bi ithnillah ta ala : 1. I am 22 years old and my Parents have reached an old age (Mother is over 60 and Father over 70, both live seperate) and they still cook food for us (2 brothers who live with them) when.. More