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1048 fatwas

  • His uncle wants to acquire their house in their home country

    assalamalaikum dear brothers, I'd like to ask you: my uncle (brother of my dad) who is financially well-off is trying to illegally accquire the house of my dad in our home country.we live abroad.he threatens my dad on the phone and now has started to use abusive language which is very difficult for my dad to tolerate, should one be.. More

  • Her non-practicing mother incited her to hate her father

    Salaam, My parents have had an divorce when i was at the age of 9 . I live with my mother for 7 years so far and had no contact with my farther because of my mother, I had so much hatred in my heart that I hated my father because what my mother told so started building hatred for my father for the sake of my mother. alhamdulilah allah showed.. More

  • Parents and relatives come in priority over the in-laws

    Are parents-in-law to be accorded more respect/love/honor than own parents? Are in-laws' more important than own blood relatives like cousins, uncles, aunts, etc??.. More

  • Her husband wants her to give him money to send to his family

    I am an American Christian marriage to an Egyptian Muslim. I am not too familiar with Islamic religion and custom but I am trying and willing to learn. My husband and I are beginning to have problems in our marriage regarding money. I feel that his money should be spent on me first then if there is anything left over then he should send some home to.. More

  • Her father has an affectionate relationship with a divorced woman

    My father is having an extra marital affair with another woman who was previously married. Their relationship is definitely NON-PHYSICAL/NON-SEXUAL. (She stays in another city now, even though they used to meet before). They began their affair when she was married and he told her to divorce her husband so that he would marry her. He sent her to.. More

  • You are not obliged to spend on your mother if she is not in need

    Respected Scholar, I give some money from my earnings to my mother and she gives that money to my brother or other and they spent it for the purpose of show off. Is that permissible to me stop to help my mother. Is that obligation on me to spend on my nieces ? (If mother says to help them). Jazakallah Khair.. More

  • Dutifulness to parents takes priority over giving charity

    I have A Very Imp. ques. I Am 18.5 Yrs old & have Recently Completed my A – Levels (In may / June 2010). I want To give Charity & To meet my other Expenses. I Am an Expert In mathematics & So Decided To Teach It To my Juniors (i.e. O & A Levels). But my Jealous, hypocrite & So – Called parents Refused To help me In.. More

  • Her father refuses to marry her off until she finishes her study

    Assalamoalikom, I had a proposal 4 years ago which my father denied. I got another proposal 3 years ago and my dad denied it again. I really wish to marry this person because of his knowledge of deen and good character of which there are plenty of proofs. I do not have any infatuation with this person but I appreciate the character, wisdom and islamic.. More

  • Her parents refuse to let her wear Abaayah

    Assalamualaikum, I have decided that I want to wear an abaya. In my family no one wears one. We only wear a hijab. But I've realized alhamdullilah that the clothes we are wearing aren't exactly Islam friendly. Sometimes they are tight, extremely colourful, n we also do not cover our feet. However my parents do not understand its importance... More

  • His cruel father is unjust towards him, his mother and his eldest brother

    Assalam Wa alaikum, i want to ask about my father. he is a very cruel man and unjust towards my mother me and my eldest brother. My father has a golden heart to outsiders and his relatives. he always provides for us but his actions are disgusting. first and foremost he curses my mother daily calling her a prostitute and telling us brothers how.. More

  • Healing relationship with stepmother who is deceased mother’s sister

    Assalamualaikom my brothers in Islam. I would like to know the fatwa of having stepmother, which happened to be a mother's biological sister, who is drastically treating her nephew and her nephew's wife because she was against of the marriage. The worst of it is she had convinced her sisters to be against their own nephew. On the otherside, the.. More

  • How gratitude to parents should be

    Quran says: {And We have enjoined upon man [care] for his parents. His mother carried him, [increasing her] in weakness upon weakness, and his weaning is in two years. Be grateful to Me and to your parents; to Me is the [final] destination.} [Quran 31:14] My Question is: Should this gratitude be shown loudly in words OR silently in heart? .. More

  • How to deal with bad neighbors

    Assalamu aleikum, My question is about neighbors.I live in an Islamic country so we should all know how to behave with our neighbors in a good manner. I have neighbors who play loud music or turn up their TV when they're watching series. I do not want to hear music or TV. When I ask them to turn it down, they grumble and do so, but next day it's.. More

  • Parents should not be a financial burden on their children

    salam and my husband r having some problems with his parents. they have live in europe for 20 years and the dad have always been working but still forcing my husband and his brother to give the dad all their money what they get from work every month. my husbands brother is forced to pay his own home and food and one home for his parents.. More

  • When obedience to parents is an obligation

    Assalam o Alikum, I am doing a job in Saudi Arabia since 2008. I am earning 5000 Saudi Riyal Per month. In 2010 I went to Pakistan and got married. Currently I am living in Saudi Arabia without my wife in a sad & depressed condition and also my wife she is very depressed and feels loneliness. I go to my home country after every eight to ten months... More