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2837 fatwas

  • Fatwa section not concerned with refuting books

    I wanted to ask about the following two scholars: 1) Abi Abdillah Muhammad bin Musa bin An-Nu‘man At-Timasani (d. 683H). 2.) Badr Ad-Deen Az-Zarkashi Ash-Shaafi‘i. Both of them supported Istigaathah (seeking help) through the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) after his death, as is evident from the book Al-Mustagheetheeen bi khayr.. More

  • Ruling on Muslim who practices palmistry and believes in effect of stars

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh, Shaykhs. My father's brother does palm reading, believes in stars (that one has such-and-such qualities because they are born in such a period of such a month), does not pray, and does not pay zakah. Can I consider him a Muslim? Will I be sinful if I call him a Muslim? He has not been praying nor paying.. More

  • Substituting for non-Muslim colleagues during their festivals

    Assalaamu alaykum. Our factory runs 24 hours/day. So when our Eids come, we take a leave and our non-Muslim colleagues, they take our shifts. Similarly, when their Puja comes, they take a leave and we take their shifts. Is it allowed for us to do so? Or does this constitute helping in sin? .. More

  • Each person has Qareen from the jinn

    Hello. Did all of Allah's Prophets have a devil with them all the time? Is it correct to say that if some person does not have a devil with them that they are free from sins? Thank you very much, kind Sir. .. More

  • Signs of the Hour are not necessarily evil things

    Shaikh, I have read the following in fatwa no. 82413: Imam Ahmad narrated that the Prophet said, "Shortly before the Last Hour, people will greet only known persons, trade will be well spread till the woman helps her husband in trading, kin relations will be cut off, false witness will prevail, hiding the truth, and the spread of using the pen." I.. More

  • Admiring good quality in disbeliever or sinner

    if I have a good opinion or appreciation about the intelligence, potential, talent, shining in life (study, job, other fields etc.) of a sinner who is a Muslim/disbeliever (male or female) while not liking their sins, is it enough to protect my faith? Or do I need to hate their intelligence, shining in life, and all good qualities because of their sins.. More

  • Pre-Islam Makkans believed in Tawheed Ar-Ruboobiyyah

    Assalaamu alaykum, Shaykh. I read your previous fatwas, and you claim that the polytheists of Makkah believed in Tawheed Ar-Ruboobiyyah (Oneness of Lordship)? We agree that believing that Allah has offspring amounts to Shirk (polytheism) in Ruboobiyyah, and the polytheists of Makkah believed angels to be the daughters of Allah, so why then do Wahabis/Salafis.. More

  • The types of Kufr (disbelief) according to Ibn Al-Qayyim

    In order for a Kaafir (disbeliever) to be punished for their disbelief, do they have to hear about Islam and think that it is true, or do they simply have to hear about Islam and reject it, regardless of whether they believe it to be true or not? Please do not refer me to an existing fatwa. .. More

  • Allah changing His image on the Day of Resurrection

    I have read this somewhere '...then Al-Jabbar will come to them in an image different than the image in which they saw Him the first time...' (Al-Bukhaari 7440, Muslim 183). Does this hadith mean that Allah, The Exalted, is capable of changing his image? .. More

  • The term 'Khulood' denotes a long stay

    Assalaamu alaykum: In this fatwa, you said that Khulood means a very long time, but not eternity. Does that mean that the words Khaalidand Khaalideena in the Quran do not mean forever? So what about the translations that say that it means "forever", such as 5:119? .. More

  • Baraa’ is declared against non-Muslims only

    Assalaamu alaykum. I want to ask regarding showing Baraa’ (disassociation) towards everyone if they go against our belief. Imam Abu Obaid Al-Qaasim ibn Salaam narrated that Salamah bin Kuhail said, "Zahhaq, Maysarah, and Abul Bakhtari agreed that Baraa’ is an innovation." (Kitaab Al-Imaan 1/64) Shaykh Al-Albaani said, "Baraa’ is an innovation.. More

  • Asking Allah for cure by the Quran

    In this answer:, you have explained that prayer and Ruqyah (healing through Quranic recitation and supplication) are an effective treatment for all disorders, and also that recitation of the prescribed Ruqyah is an effective remedy for all diseases, what do you mean by disease/disorder? For example, if someone.. More

  • Decree of Allah encompasses all of our actions

    I have a question about Allah's decree. I noticed that most of the time, when I want to participate or do something, it might not always occur. This happens when I think a lot about it. The same occurs when I do not want to participate or do something. Is there a term for this in Islam and any proof as well? Is it proper that one should always think.. More

  • Standing for national anthem - wearing jerseys with players' names

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Shaykh, may Allah reward you for your previous answers. Shaykh, I had two queries: 1. Though I read on your website that standing for and singing the national anthem of one’s country is forbidden, my friends are asking me about the reason for that. They are saying that it is not worship; you are.. More

  • Ruling on women wearing red dot (bindi or tikka) on forehead

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Shaykh, I would like to know whether it is allowed for a female to put a red dot, or 'bindi’, also known as ‘tikka’ (the ornamental jewel worn on the forehead) on her forehead as a form of adornment. It is an adornment worn by females in the subcontinent, especially in India. Some say that this.. More