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2837 fatwas

  • Supplication Against Evil Eyes

    On your site you mention that protection against the evil eye is Ma Sha Allah but I was told that some scholars say that you should say “Allahumma Barik Lahu (for male), Allahumma Barik Laha (for female)” so is it correct to pray for blessing for the person? Also if it is correct to pray blessings then can one simply say “Allahumma Barek Lek”.. More

  • Saying, 'I Am Closer to Allah than You'

    As salamu alaikum. Is it permissible to say to someone "I am more closer to Allah than you" or "I am more closer to Allah than you are to Him"? .. More

  • Her Husband Insulted Allah while Angry

    Please answer ny query without redirectiing to other fatwas. I am in lot of pressure and anxiety. About 3 and half years ago, in one quarrel, my husband was so upset and frustrated that he insulted Allah the almighty in anger (naujubillah). He was so frustrated he could not control himself and uttered a nasty word about Allah. He qas really sorry afterwards.. More

  • Fearing the Jinn is not Shirk

    Asalamo AlaikumWhen someone gets scared of jinns and goes to hide in the room of one's father or so,Is he committing shirk by taking his father as a protector besides ALLAH? .. More

  • The Forgiveness of Allah is Boundless

    assalamualaikum i believe that ALLAH is the only one worthy of worship because HE is the greatest , hence the right of ALLAH to be worshipped is equal to HIS greatness which has no bounds, so then to not give HIM his right is boundlessly wrong , upon these understanding i am not being able to understand the forgiveness of ALLAH as how can ALLAH forgive.. More

  • Assisting a disbeliever to slaughter and eat from the animal

    salam asylum. dear sheikh what is the authenticity of imam Ahmad bn Hanbal statement that a muslim can assist a disbeliever slaughter a sacrifice and is permitted to eat from it .. More

  • Saying ‘Allah belongs to me, not to you’

    Is this halal or haram? If I say to someone "I love Allah more than you love Him. He belongs to me, not to you." .. More

  • The Word Istiwaa’ - a Chain of Narration

    Assalamou 'Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuh.Some people say that the following saying does not have a chain of narration, hence it is not authentic.1) The Tabei Abul Aaliyah said : Istawa toward the sky means He elevated Himself. Ref Sahih al Bukhari2) The Tabei Mujahid said: Istawa (meaning) : Rose (alaa) above the Throne. Ref Sahih al Bukhari..... More

  • Islamic View about Scientific Tricks and Magic Shows

    nowadays many people show scientific tricks and call these magic show. does this type of magic show fall under the category of shirk or major sin? and is it allowed to see and enjoy these shows? .. More

  • Attributing Something to its Cause

    Salam. Is it correct for someone to say along the lines of "This family is being stable due to me. I stopped so and so from committing this action and I prevented so and so from doing this. If I did not stop them they would have continue on what they were doing. If I'm dead, the family might be unstable. So, everything is under my control in this house... More

  • Obeying Allah and His Messenger is Obligatory

    Asalamo AlaikumI have a questionOnly ALLAH is the one who decides about the ruling on a matter about something right?and he told the Prophet(Sallalahu Alaihi wa sallam) through revelation about his laws.It is not for a believing man or a believing woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decided a matter, that they should [thereafter] have any choice.. More

  • Faith Necessitates Actions not only Words

    Assaalamu 'alaykum.If a person beliefs in his heart, declares by tongue Shahadatyn, leaves all the nullifiers of faith but at the same time doesn't do any good deed in action. What is the stance of Ahlus sunnah wal Jamah about his faith? .. More

  • Ruling a Non-Muslim to be a Muslim

    Asalamualaikum Should we view Napoleon Bonaparte as a muslim as some source states he became muslim before dying .. More

  • A Muslim Seeking the Help of a Kaafir

    As salaam alaeykum warahmatullah. Is it permissible to seek help from a non-Muslim whom one fears that he might later use that to insult Islam? As in, he might be saying in the future that he has helped him while his fellow Muslims didnt, and thus, insulting them and Islam. .. More

  • Claims to be the Mahdi and Deals with Magic and Jinn

    As-Salamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah. A student of knowledge fell into some sins and was was visited by Jinn who show him disturbing things but claim to be Muslim. He admits that it is the Plot of Shaytan yet still entertains their conversations, obeys them when they command him to do things, tries to convience others that he's the Awaited Mahdi and that.. More