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2838 fatwas

  • Statement of the heart versus action of the heart

    Assalaamu alaykum. I heard someone say the following statement; is it true? This verse can be used as evidence for the action of the heart as a seperation for the statement of the heart: “Is it not time that the hearts of all who have attained to faith should feel humble at the remembrance of God and of all the truth that has been bestowed [on them].. More

  • Using an amulet containing the word 'la misaas' (Quran 20:97)

    Assalaamu alaykum. Please, I have a friend who wrote لامساس (i.e. do not touch), which is similar to what was used in Surah Taha (Quran 20: 97). He claimes that he is using it as a protective word so that evil things will not come near him. However, I told him that such word used in the Quran is used to rebuke Musa Samiri, but the guy insisted... More

  • Possession of humans by jinn

    Assalaamu alaykum. Is there a consensus on the existence of jinn possesion, and where can it be found? .. More

  • The greater creation: heavens or man

    I always thought that man was the greatest creation, but Allaah says that if we think that we were hard to create, then we should look at the heavens; are the heavens a greater creation than man? .. More

  • Grave of claimed Wali neither benefits nor harms

    Assalaamu alaykum. A man had four sons; three of them became medical doctors, and the remaining one developed some kind of mental disease. People say that he was a bright student and was even better than his brothers. As the development of mental disease was an unpredictable event, some people assumed that he became mad because he used to hunt pigeons.. More

  • Helping non-Muslims harm Muslims

    Assalamu alaykum. I know that supporting the disbelievers against the muslims is disbelief. But does that also apply to the private life of the muslim? For example: A Muslim does not like a certain group of muslims because of personal matters and harms them together with a group of disbelievers, or a Muslim is a member of a criminal gang together with.. More

  • Possessions of an apostate

    Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. I have some possessions belonging to a person. This person ran away from her husband, committed apostasy, and asked for a divorce. Her ex-husband gave me some of her personal objects. She asked me for her things, but she did not give me an address nor the money needed for the postal service (which is.. More

  • Generational curse is false concept

    Are there verses for generational curses that can be used to stop the curse? .. More

  • Fear that amounts to Shirk

    Which type of fear is Shirk (polytheism)? Suppose that I walk on a road and see places of Shirk, temples, and so on, and I intentionally spit there and while doing this feel a sort of uneasiness and fear in my heart. I know that only Allaah can inflict harm. But what about this uneasiness and fear that I feel sometimes while disrespecting idols, bad.. More

  • He suspects that his son-in-law used magic to marry his daughter

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Black magic: My daughter was engaged to a person for three years, but somehow that ended. Six months before the relation ended, my cousin proposed to my daughter, but as she was already engaged, I rejected that. He insisted that I end her engagement and give my daughter to him, but how could I do that.. More

  • Abu Haneefah's view on istiwaa' over Throne

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu Shaykh. I would like to know whether the narration of Imam Abu Hanifa about Allaah, The Exalted, being above the throne is authentic (Sharh Aqeedah Tahawi). Some Deobandis (Asharis) are claiming that this narration is weak and munqati (discontinous). Can you please provide the full chain of this narration? .. More

  • Anaasheed accompanied by music do not necessarily entail mocking the religion

    Assalaamu alaykum. Does accidentally mixing worship and something haram cause disbelief? On this website, item number 37, it is stated, "To perform acts of worship or to sing Nasheeds (chants) accompanied by music causes disbelief because nasheeds are worship." The question is: what happens if one accidentally.. More

  • Believing in oneness of Allaah without embracing Islam

    Please do not refer me to other fatwas. What is the ruling of Islam on the following situation? If a man believe in the oneness of Allaah and believes that there is one God but could not adopt Islam as his religion until he dies, then where will he go? .. More

  • Attending Hindu pooja rituals

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah. I am from India. In our schools, colleges, institutions, and organizations, any programme is started by doing some pooja (a kind of worship to idols). We as students or employees are made to attend or sometimes even stand along with other peoplewhile they do the pooja. We have to do that unwillingly, but we do recognize.. More

  • Description of Houris

    Assalaamu alaykum. I sent you a question (2612148) regarding a hadith that says that Houris have large, round breasts that are not inclined to dangle (Jami At-Tirmidhi vol. 2 p. 35-40). I found that on internet and Wikipedia (HOURI). I downloaded the complete Tirmidhi (from, but I could not find it there. As a common man, I am unable to.. More