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2837 fatwas

  • Description of people of Paradise in Tanbeeh-ul-Ghaafileen

    Is the following hadith authentic? The Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) is reported to have said, “Verily the people of Jannah (Paradise) will be young, beardless, and hairless (i.e. they will have no hair under the arms and below the navel). They will have the height of Adam, peace be upon him, the age of Jesus(i.e. 33 years), peace be upon.. More

  • Hoor Al-'Een are not angels

    The Hoor Al-'Ayn(damsels of Paradise), are they like the angels in that they cannot sin, or are they like humans? And if so, then how are they deserving to be in Paradise? .. More

  • None knows exact time of Doomsday but Allah

    Assalaamu alaykum. If Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, did not know when the Doomsday will happen, then why did he say that the doomsday is nearby? May Allaah reward you. .. More

  • Hoors created as wives for people of Paradise

    Assalaamu alaykum. Are the Hoors (maidens of Paradise)a completely new creature? .. More

  • Drinking Quranic water to gain wealth or wisdom

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Nowadays, there are many Muslims that take part in the act of drinking written Quranic verses with the belief that they will become wealthy or attain wisdom or knowledge. Is it only okay for a sick person to drink this for health issues, or can anyone drink it for health purposes? Please, I want to.. More

  • Accepting repentant apostates in Muslim army

    Assalaamu alaykum. I resubmit my original question as you requested, with a little elaboration: Assalaamu alaykum. Did Abu Bakr, may Allaah be pleased with him, not allow apostates into the army even after their repentance? And did ‘Umar, may Allaah be pleased with him,although he did accept them into the army say not to make them the Caliph? It.. More

  • Whether Dajjaal will use musical instruments

    Are there any authentic hadiths that say that the Dajjal will use music to attract people or that his followers will use musical instruments? .. More

  • Visiting famous palm reader

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Is it forbidden in Islam to visit a palm reader? I intend to visit Ketut Liyer, a palm reader, in Bali. I do not believe in palmistry, nor do I even have a curiosity to know what he might tell me. The purpose of that visit will be to meet Ketut Liyer, who appeared in the movie "Eat, Pray and Love"... More

  • Stopping imposter from deceiving and harming people

    Assalaamu alaykum and Ramadan Mubarak. My question is the following: I found out that a man does Ruqyah (healing through Quran and supplications) and Hijaamah (cupping) for others. However, he works with the jinn; he also has co-workers just for business. I also found out that he touches women and then makes advances later on towards younger girls... More

  • Believing in prophet after Muhammad is Kufr

    What is a ruling on a person who thinks that there will be another prophet after Judgement Day, when Allaah supposedly would create a new Earth? Quran 14:48 and 50:15 .. More

  • Insulting Islam unknowingly

    What if a person insults Islam while not knowing that he did so? For example, a person mocks someone's prostration because they think the prostration is to an idol. But the prostration was in fact part of a Sunnah prayer. .. More

  • Whether mispronouncing Inshaa' Allaah is Kufr or not

    Assalaamu alaykum. I know that it is prescribed to say Inshaa' Allaah (Allaah willing). However, if a person says Ishaa'Allaah instead of saying Inshaa'Allaah, would this amount to disbelief? If any of the Arab brothers in the fatwa centre could please explain to me what this means, I would greatly appreciate it. The reason why I am asking is because.. More

  • Wearing lipstick to appear healthy has nothing to do with Shirk

    I wear the hijab given that I am Muslim, but I do apply lipstick, not with the intention to adorn myself, but in order to avoid the stares and undue attention that people give me, as well as theirquestioning me as to whether I am feeling well or not because of my pale lips and ill look. I know that it is a sin to do so, but am I commiting minor Shirk.. More

  • What Abu Hayyaan said about those who claim to know the unseen

    I want to ask about the commentary of Abu Hayyaan Al-Andalusi on verse 188 of Surah Al-A'raf, from Tafsir Al-Bahr Al-Muheet, if not all of it, then please at least tell us a gist of that when he is talking about the people of Egypt regarding their claim of so and so having knowledge of the Unseen. It is very important; I am unable to translate it; I.. More

  • Boasting about sins to gain fame

    Assalaamu alaykum. As far as I know, regarding things that have been unanimously agreed upon to be haram as halal is Kufr (disbelief). What is the ruling on someone who does not regard a haram thing as halal but boasts about doing it in order to become reputed in his circle? For example, someone boasts about how he flirts with girls and so on; is that.. More