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2837 fatwas

  • Rulings on an Hermaphrodite (Intersex Individual)

    Is it permissible to identify as a gender that’s not male or female if it does NOT involve surgical operations, imitating the opposite sex, taking off the hijab, etc? .. More

  • Supplicating Allah Almighty with His Beautiful Names

    Assalam alikumI have the following questions:Can we do a repetition of Allah Subhanawataala’s names so that we have get Allahs help for our problems. For example can we repeat Ya-Fattah, Ya-Lateef, Ya-Razzak or any other name etc. Is there any thing in Quran and authentic hadith that says we can do this or we should not do this.Can we repeat Surah.. More

  • Attributing a Place to Allah, The Most High

    According to Imam Abu Hanifa (150H) said disbeliever those who attribute a place to Allah (Narrated by Ibn Abdi s-Salam and Al-Qari)Shaykh Al-Azhari said Imam Subki it is disbelief by unanimous believe that Allah is in one direction or that He sits on the ThroneSo where do asharis.. More

  • It is Forbidden to Talk about One’s Previous Sins unless there is a Legitimate Benefit

    Assalamu alaykum. Many preachers say about their life of jahiliyah in their books, lectures etc. But i know that it is not allowed to disclose ones previous sins. Is it ok? .. More

  • The Word of Allah is not Created

    Aoa sir pls tell me that the names Ahmed and Muhammad are creation of Allah or we will say these were thr speech of Allah ? As He himself gave these two names to Muhammad PBUH .. More

  • Whispers of Kufr (Disbelief)

    Please answer my question quickly sheikh, so I am taking debate class in this class they make me say the pro and cons of things like gun control or homosexuality like for example I have to make a case argument saying if homsexuality should be allowed in America and why it shouldn't be allowed , sheikh have I committed kufur I was thinking this class.. More

  • Innovations and Wearing Amulets

    Does giving a Fatiha on Thursday with the name of the family members who passed away is haram? Is going to molvi and telling them to help a girl for her marriage so that she gets good proposals and if molvi gives her something to read from the Quran and gives to wear tawiz until her marriage day. Doing such things is haram? Please let me know. Jazak'allah .. More

  • The Ranks of People in Paradise

    Assalamu Alaikum Dear Sheikh, My name is Hamza and I'm a Canadien living in Montreal. I will really appreciate if you can answer in a clear way my simple question. In the Quran, Allah says that the righteous people will be reunited in jannah with the prophets, the sidiqueen, the martyrs and the Pious people. He also said that family members who make.. More

  • Commiting an Act of Kufr Ignorantly is not Disbelief

    Assalam u alaikum. I am from Pakistan and now learning Islam, I also changed myself now to straight manhaj after being guided. But being an ignorant person, 3 years ago I wanted to talk to hindu person on social media and to seem harmless I showed myself as hindu guy but I swear to Allah, I never knew such an act is not allowed and is kufr and nobody.. More

  • What You Did Is Not Disbelief

    Assalamualaikum sheikh.last 3 years i had commited kufr unknowingly.Recently,i got recall to this sin.Alhamduliilah i had repented.My question is in those 3 years i pray i fast.Did all my good deeds that i do in those 3 years accepted or not because of my ignorance and forgetfullness.Jazakallah khayran .. More

  • This Behavior Is Not Disbelief or Mockery of Allah’s Creation

    Assalamu alaykum, i want to apologize firstly and i really dont want to be insulting or unfriendly.but i have sent you a couple of questions in the last days/weeks and havent got any reply.and i have a new question:my teacher in school jokingly said to a student that hes a unicellular and i laughed. Is that kufr and considered as mocking Allahs creation... More

  • Evil Eye Not Specific to Muslims

    Asc, this is a basic question. But does Evil eye only affect Muslims. I understand that we can give to each other. If you look these celebrities none of them have the evil eye on them. Is it a trial only Muslims faceor everyone faces. Please answer Asc. .. More

  • People’s Degrees Vary according to their Righteousness

    is it true unmarried people are inferior? there some people who died unmarried, will allah look down on them? is marriage a must to enter jannah? .. More

  • Hellfire Exists Now but Its Fierceness Will Increase on the Day of Judgement

    Assalamu alaykum wa rahmetullahi wa baraktuh, i have a question regarding ayah nr.12 in surah at-Takwir(81). In the english translation it says " and when Hellfire is set ablaze". My question now is, is jahannam at this moment burning and does this mean that on yawmul-qiyamah hellfire will increase in its burning? Did i understand this correctly? I.. More

  • Reciting Ruqyah on Yourself Does Not Exclude You from the Seventy Thousand People

    Salam alaykum, I have read some fatwas on this site where ruqyah has been mentioned as treatment for waswas or ocd, however I want to be of the 70 000 that enters into jannah without accountability. What do you think of this? Does reciting surah an nas and ayatul kursi over water and drinking it come under ruqyah, and would that mean one isn't of the.. More