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5673 fatwas

  • Using own picture on website

    I am building my own website and I want to use my picture to explain Hijab and its benefit in Islam... More

  • Wife Wants More Children, Husband Doesn't

    What is the ruling where the husband has 2 kids and insists on using birth control so his wife will not become pregnant but she wants another child? .. More

  • Forbidden sex acts in Islam

    I want to know the forbidden sex practices in Islam, in the light of Qur'an and Sunnah. Why is anal sex forbidden? Can I touch the private parts of my wife while she is in menstruation periods?.. More

  • Reward for Raising Child with Abnormalities

    I got pregnant 2 years ago and my baby was diagnosed with several abnormalities and the doctors recommended abortion. Al-Hamdulillah, my husband and I did not listen to them and kept the baby who turned out to be a wonderful and healthy baby. He is now 16 months old but he is a dwarf, very short. My heart breaks every time I look at him and just want.. More

  • Woman's Voice in Quran

    Are women's voices forbidden in Qur'an? .. More

  • Muslim Wants Help in Choosing a Wife

    I'm originally Muslim Arab. I'm living in North America. I want to marry. Is it better to take who is originally a Muslimah, or who reverted to Islam, or who wants to become a Muslim? I need an advice. .. More

  • Wants to Marry in China

    I am in the Kafir country, and I would like to protect my self from Zina. I asked Muslims here to marry but I was rejected because I am a student. So can I marry a Kafir girl who announces Islam just by her mouth and I am not sure from her heart? I am in China and most people are communist or Buddhist. .. More

  • Questionable divorce

    I am Muslim woman, I was married to a Muslim in Kuwait. Now I have 3 boys from my husband and we are living in Canada. In July/2000 my husband divorced me three times for the first time in his life and traveled to Jordan and since that time he did not return. Now I have a Canadian divorce. If he doesn't want to divorce me in Jordan, and I got the.. More

  • Muslim Man Married to Buddhist Woman

    I am married with a woman from Holland and after that I discovered that she believe in Buddha and I have a girl from this woman. I don't know what I have to do because I am Muslim. In the beginning she told me that she is Christian. Really I don't know what I have to do. .. More

  • Should Husband Purchase Airline Ticket for Wife-to-Be to Wedding

    I live with my family in the United States. I got married, last year to someone, from my original country, who does not live in the United States. We are planning to have the wedding in our country this summer. Is he responsible to pay for my airline ticket since by law he is my husband, or should my parents pay the ticket? .. More

  • Love Relationship without Sex

    What is the opinion in Islam about love relationships (not sexual)? .. More

  • Wife Claimed that a Scholar Issued Divorced for Her and She Left Her Husband for another Man

    I would like to get some information about divorce. The wife of a fellow Muslim brother (say Ali) eloped with another man without his knowledge. After a day it was brought to his attention that she was settling with this man in another location. Ali said he won't divorce her and she is a Zanee. However, the woman who ran away says she got her divorce.. More

  • Request for Family Planning

    Regarding my wife when she had her first child she stayed in hospital nearly 7 months and ill all that time in very bad condition. On the birth of the second child she was sick continuously again for the same period. Can we have family planning because there is no body who can take care of both children and I am working also and there is no one to take.. More

  • Many problems with second wife

    I am 38 years old. I have 4 children. My husband married another woman 6 month ago and he left with her just one month and she lives in Lebanon and I live in Denmark. He can't bring her to Denmark and he already has work in this country and he can travel to Lebanon just one month in a year. After this second marriage we had many problems and her rune.. More

  • Removing Hijab before her step-father

    Can my wife remove here Hijab in front of here step-father? Please note that my mother in-law is not a Muslim nor is her husband... More