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5673 fatwas

  • Love sickness

    My problem is that one-year back I had an Internet affair. I have since then realized my mistake and have repented. My dad didn't agree to the marriage because of different nationalities. Seeing that my Wali had completely refused, I decided not to proceed. I gave up the whole idea. However, since then I have been regretting and thinking that.. More

  • The Perfect Age to Marry

    I want to ask when is the 'perfect' age for marriage. A friend of my mother knows a brother who is looking to get married so, my friend's mother wanted to nominate me. Should I say yes and wait till I finish high school (I'm 16) or should I get married now? .. More

  • Marrying Young and Wants to Delay Having a Child for One Year

    A friend is getting married in one month. His fiancé is only 16 years old. He would like to know it because of her age he can wait before having child, not more 6 months or 1 year only. He would like to have sex with his wife. Can he delay a child for 1 year or not? .. More

  • Women Remaining Pregnant Up to 18 Months

    I have two questions: Is there any mention in the Holy Qur'an that women can remain pregnant up to 18 months? .. More

  • Husband Discovered that His Wife Is Not ‘Virgin’ As Stipulated in the Contract

    I am a Muslim who married a Muslim virgin girl as written on the contract of the marriage, but on the wedding day I found that girl was not a virgin, and it appears she had been married before. Her family did not inform me before our marriage. I do not know what to do. Is the marriage contract correct? What are my rights? Please answer me as soon as.. More

  • Wants to Wear Islamic Dress But Parents Disagree

    I'm 20 years old; I study in university. My problem is that I want to put on the Islamic clothes but my family disagrees with me. They tell me that I'll have difficulty finding a job and to get married. My parents are old persons and I'm the youngest. My brothers are all married. My parents want to see me in a good situation and they think that if I.. More

  • Wants to Die because He Can't Be Accepted As A Homosexual In Islam

    I feel like that i want to die now. I don't want to live anymore. I don't want to kill myself or commit suicide. Is it permissible to supplicate Allah for death? I don't feel I want to live anymore because of some problem I have inside me (not sickness of course). The reason I don't want to live is because: I don't know who to fulfill my desires. I.. More

  • Marriage custom in Bombay

    I am from Bombay India. We have a custom that after Nikah we take our wife to our home and we spend one night with her and the next day we make reception. After that we send our wife to her parents home and after 4-5 days we go to her home and take her back to our home. Is there anything like this in Islam? If not, is what we are doing Wrong, (Haram).. More

  • New Convert to Islam Wants to Marry But Parents Do Not Approve

    I like to know if a girl reverts to Islam and her parents are against her, how can she marry? Who will be her Wali? Can she marry without a Wali with witness? If there is no Wali then what to do? What is the Islamic solution? .. More

  • Using Friends to Find Husband before Informing Her Parents

    I have frequently heard that it is permissible for a woman to arrange her own marriage through pious Muslim female friends (and usually the help of their husbands) without any impermissible contact with the intended husband. Is this true? Does this mean that a woman can let some friends know that she is interested in marriage and ask them to help her,.. More

  • Wife refuses to dress according to Shari'a in USA

    My wife she refuses to wear the Shari'a custom of dress and I am living in the USA and the law here with her. We keep fighting about her dress... More

  • After Seeing His Fiancé’s Picture, He Does Not Want to Marry Her

    I got engaged with a girl 4 months ago without seeing the girl. Now I have her photograph but I did not like her (looks). I don't feel like marrying her. I don't want to deceive her but I will not be able to live with her for life. I am in a mess. Can you please give me suggestion as what should I do in such a situation? .. More

  • Wants to Remarry without Written Divorce from Husband

    I have been separated from my husband for nearly nine months, I asked him for a divorce because he wasn't working or looking after me. He didn't want to give me the divorce so I asked him to leave the house which is mine. I believe he married me partly for immigration reasons and expected me to look after him. I have contacted the Sharia council. They.. More

  • Questionable divorce

    I'm now married to a person who was already married to an American woman. He went to the mosque to (establish the marriage contract) but when he divorced her, he did all the paper write in the civil court. He didn't divorce her at mosque, as he did at the time of marriage get married. I want to know if this woman still his wife. What should he do?.. More

  • Female serving with males on Islamic committees

    I live among a Muslim minority and Islam is spreading here. Much effort is also being made by brothers to improve our Islam, and to invite and inform others. These efforts are being carried out by various registered organizations. Every organization is run by a committee. My question is whether Islam allows us to include females with the males in one.. More