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1517 fatwas

  • An asexual girl is not obliged to tell her suitor about her condition

    Asslamu Alaykum. I'm an Asexual female and have asked a question here before that relates to it and I found your answer very helpful so Jazakallah for your answer, but I still have many questions that I want to know since I can't find many fatwas about asexuality. But the most one that I want to know is, if a man asks to marry me is it obligatory upon.. More

  • Condition for a thrice-divorced woman to remarry her ex-husband

    I got divorced 3 talaks got married again and got divorced. After three years my first husband asked me if we could get back together and he heard I got married but he did not belive it. So he tells me if I got married after him he does not want me back. Am I doing wrong if I don't tell him I got married? The reason I would do this is for the children... More

  • You have apparently become irrevocably divorced with major separation

    My husband and I have a difficult relationship, however we want to be together but we are still doubts whether we can .I'm 23 years younger than him and my immaturity has not helped us In May 2014 I was very nervous because he was going on a trip to Saudi Arabia and asked him to give me a divorce and I was menstruating at the time, only that our divorce.. More

  • Her husband is HIV-positive and refuses to use protection

    Assalamun alaikum, I'm from nigeria,my husband of 6 yrs is HIV+ and I'm -ve, Alhamdulillah. He has 6 children from his previous marriages and I don't have any child, yet I demanded he use protection to protect me from getting infected and he refused, I always lived in fear of getting infected and told him, which he said he will rather divorce me than.. More

  • Waswaas about the validity of a triple divorce

    I hv divorced a girl three times in anger after a Nikah without wali. I hv read it somewhere that in order to justify that talaq doesn’t happen u cannot come back with a stance that the nikah was invalid. If u were of the view that nikah u have done is valid. I hv been having nightmares, waswasas, I am scared of Allah, I don’t want to do wrong.I.. More

  • How to deal with wife who refuses to cover face

    asalamualikum hope you are in the best of imaan and also i pray Allah grants you istiqamah. could you please tell me how i should deal with my wife in regards to her wearing the niqab. i have seen the evidences on covering the face and hold it to be frad for her to cover her face. i have advised he countless times in many different ways to cover her.. More

  • He divorced his wife, then had phone sex with her during her 'Iddah

    Dear scholars,assalamou3alaykoum,my wife and me lived far from each other and we used to have sexual conversations over the phone.The point of phone sex is to help the partner in achieving orgasm through masturbation.People call that sinful act "phone sex". May Allah soubhanouwata3ala forgive us...Then i decided to divorce my wife and i did it.I told.. More

  • Husband being incarcerated justifies seeking divorce

    My husband & I are both in our upper forties. He is also incarcerated for Life. We've been married for 5 yrs. I had no problem forfeiting my rights to marry him...he has now decided he wants to take another wife. I cant understand why under these conditions he would even consider such a move. He wants me to continue to live as his wife and I want.. More

  • Her husband's parents forced him to divorce her over the sickness of her grandmother

    Assalam Aleikum! I am a Christian girl but my husband is Muslim. We got married a year ago and went to Jordan to live with his parents.(i come from Ukraine). in Jordan we we signed the marriage contract again according to Muslim law. Now his parents force us to get divorced because they saw white patches on my grandmothers hands (vitiligo). They sent.. More

  • The wife may ask for divorce if she is deprived of her rights

    Assalamualaikum. After a serious marital dispute, my husband left our house to live near his mother's house.I thought he would come back but it has been six months now.He just sends money through my son.He does not come to see me and we communicate via the phone.His family does not want to interfere in our matter.He is bad tempered and his family is.. More

  • His wife married him to become lawful to her ex-husband

    I married a woman about 4.5 months ago.she decievingly married me for the purpose of halala, showing that the marriage was real.I was unaware about the purpose.After having intercourse for two nights she demanded divorce saying that she cannot fullfil my desire for her and consented me to marry another woman.i confused why she was demanding for divorce.. More

  • A case that permits asking for divorce

    Aselam alaikum werahmetulahi weberekatuh... I am a 29 years old muslim girl who got engaged almost two months ago... My fiance lives in us nd i live in one of afican country so, he wasnt present for the nikkah day it was done by his fathers presence on his behalf.... After two weeks of my engagement i asked my fiance regarding the process for the us.. More

  • A widow may go out during her waiting period for a need

    My father in law died 43 days ago. My Mother in law is in waiting period. But during this 43 days an aunt of my Mother in law's died( who looks after her in her childhood). Then she broke out mentally very upset and wanted to go there to see her late aunt. She asked me whether she can go out or not. I know that it is not permissible to go out without.. More

  • He married her without her Wali's consent, then gave her three divorces in the present tense

    I married a girl in secret without her parent's consent. Later after some months we has an argument , I gave her divorce three times by saying I divorce you , I divorce you , I divorce you.. It is important to tell she was menstruating at that time. I swear I had no intentions to leave her. I was of the fact that this is the way to give Talaq. I called.. More

  • Uttering incomplete statement of conditional divorce

    Assalam o alikum, Please answer my question according to the Hanafi school of thought. My question is that, once my husband just intended conditional divorce to me but he didn't utter the words he just said incomplete words "If you will miss that person..." and then he was quiet. When I asked about his intention. He explained his intention of conditional.. More