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1517 fatwas

  • Her husband lied to her about marrying a second wife husband married a 2nd time 2 years back and when i discovered,he told me that on the very day he got married,he realised he had committed a mistake.but he had sex with his new wife.the next day he phoned his new wife to tell her that he loves me and cannot live with her.then he divorced her twice.he held the holy quran in his hand.. More

  • Her husband lied to her about his second marriage

    Dear Sheikh, I am going through a marital crisis.My husband and I have been living apart for almost 3 years, at our own agreement for job and financial security.Recently, my boys and I have moved back in together with him and I have since discovered that he has had Misyar marriage to a non Muslim for the last 2 years whilst away , and their marriage.. More

  • His parents forced him to divorce his wife and he wants her back

    Assalamu alaikum, I had to divorce my wife at my parents' behest. parents' inteference both from mine and wife was responsible for the divorce. some of my relatives who visited me since our wedding four years ago reported to my mum that my wife doesnt like cooking for me and that she doesnt take good care of them when they visit. 3. My mum also complained.. More

  • A case of invalid Khul'

    asak, i got married in the month of sept2013, dint had husband & wife relation. husband went saudi within 8 days of marriage. i was in my own mother's house for one month. later i decided to go live with my husband. but he dint accepted me & gave khula in december! he gave khula in the sense, he has just send me the khula nama which was signed.. More

  • The marriage is not over in this case of Khul'

    Assalam o alikum my father had mariied my my sister with pressure she spent 5 years suddenly she complaint to my father about her sexuall relations that her husband is ill father said take khula nowadays my father wasnt in karachi he was inn punjab he said go with huda and your brother and take khula from ur husband .when we went her husbands house.. More

  • The ‘Iddah of a pregnant woman who had a miscarriage/abortion

    Asalamo alaykum ... After divorced, if i did abortion before 120 days of pregnant, i have to wait for my 3 haidh or not. Can my husband take me back after the abortion ? My husband divorced me on Nov 25, 2013 and i found out that i got pregnant after divorced. After that he asked me to do abortion on Dec 18,2013 (the first talaaq) and the baby was only.. More

  • He gave his wife a written oath that she is divorced thrice if she contacts her old friends

    Assalaamu 'alaykum: I was married 14 years back and have 5 children. In March 2013, I gifted one mobile phone to my wife with the purpose that she may contact with me and her family more comfortably. During this period she asked me that she want to have telephonic conversations with her ex-school fellows (male & females); I allowed here by considering.. More

  • She suspects that her husband is having an affair with another woman

    Assalamualaikum, Dear Shaikh, I am married with 4 children for 10 years already. We have good relation, until now my husband is in-love with another woman but with my knowledge. I agree with him to the second married of my husband. But when it come to know by my parents they were not allow my husband to married the girl. My husband agreed to separate.. More

  • Her husband's bad traits drive her away from him

    Assalam aleikom wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. I have an imense worry. I am a practicing sister,I have been married to my husband for 6 years based on a halal marriage meaning we didnt know eachother and wanted to seek baraka from Allah for this.The problem is i am a very frank comunicative and romantic person who needs attention and time from her husband.My.. More

  • His wife breastfed her friend's baby without his permission

    My wife breastfed her friend's child (as her friend was unable). But my wife did not inform me or seek consent before. I found out one year later. Is this reason for divorce? .. More

  • Husband seeks compensation for wedding gifts to bride

    if a girl went overseas,she was engaged doing to get religiously married, after she got religiously married she saw he isnt clean,and doesnt work,showers rarely,doesnt always pray,and doesnt like sunnis,she was telling him im not happy with these things. like be clean have a shower brush your teeth you stink he used to laugh and not care.he gave her.. More

  • A case of divorce in a state of anger

    One man gave divorce to his wife in 2011 in state of anger during the fight three times and ruju after two days. Then in 2013 Husband and wife used to have arguments every now and then due to some outstanding issues that husband didn't wanted his wife to do. One day During the argument husband was in extreme anger and said lots of things to his wife.. More

  • Seclusion has same legal status as consummation of marriage

    Bismillah Assalamu alekum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatahu. I urgently need your answer. After my nikah I did not live with my husband, that is, the marriage ceremony and walima did not take place. My husband and I had secret intercourse at my home. Very sadly, I need khula from him now due to many unavoidable reasons. I know well the valid reasons for.. More

  • He said "wife is divorce" if he went back to stock exchange

    Salam...some 8 years ago i lost huge money in BET, was about to suicide luckily my brother came to know and came to rescue. during conversation he said i wld pay your debt but i doubt u might not go there again,,,,i was under great mental and physical stress cos of debt and the insult and cases..i didnt want my brother to leave if he has doubts so i.. More

  • He initiated the third divorce by SMS under the pressure of his family

    Asalam qestion is that what is the ruling on a husband who divorce his wife and get back her again.and also he pronounced his 2nd talaq after some days of living together.all this happend within one month.he clearly knows that his action was contrary to sunnah divorce but at that momont he have no option otherthan doing that.lastly he get.. More