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773 fatwas

  • Continuously being questioned by a man about Hijab

    At work there is a man who continuously asks me questions about Hijaab. Sometimes he'll ask questions regarding other Islamic issues but he always returns to the Hijaab. The problem is that I'm not sure if he really wants to learn about Islam or if he's trying to dissuade me from wearing it. Al-Hamdu Lillaah, I'm certain of my faith.. More

  • Wearing Hijab before her father's step-brother

    I would like to know whether a woman has to take Hijaab in front of her uncle (father's step-brother). .. More

  • Fell in love innocently

    I got a divorce from a very vindictive husband in 1985. It has been over 17 years now. I was hurt so badly and I was so sad and of course I loved my ex-husband so much that I never liked anyone during this period. I went for Hajj in 2002 and one of our relatives who is married and helps Hajjis helped me couple of times when I was desperate in need.. More

  • Son refuses to attend sister's wedding party because of sexes mixing

    My son refuses to go to his sister wedding party, because their shall be both male and female in the wedding, this is causing a big crack in our family, I the father cannot accept my son any more if he dose not go? .. More

  • Woman Covering her Entire Body (face, hands, feet)

    Must a woman hide her entire body, even her face, hands and feet? .. More

  • Covers her face to please her father

    I would like to know is it important to cover my face because my dad insists me to cover my face but for his happiness I do it in front of him. But behind him I don't because I feel it uncomfortable and I also know in Islam its important u cover your body and hair. I wear Burqah and Hijaab always. Just covering my f ace is a problem. Please my.. More

  • Parents' cousins as Mahaarim

    I would like to ask that if one's father's and mother's cousins are Mahram? .. More

  • Unmarried woman living alone

    I was wondering is it permissible for an unmarried woman to move out of her parent's home and live by herself if her parents are still alive? .. More

  • Sees friend in sin against parents' wishes and knowledge

    I have a friend who I know is still having a relationship with her boyfriend even though her parents' had forbidden it and she has even promised to stop seeing him. My question is: do I have the right as a Muslimah to inform her parents about what she is doing against their wishes? Her parents are upstanding figure in our community and their.. More

  • Woman traveling with a group of women without a Mahram

    I am a married woman, and I am working in a company as Computer Engineer. For the coming 3 months I should travel to Qatar to finish some work there. Is it Halaal for me to travel? Keeping in mind that I will be traveling with a group of woman. .. More

  • Her husband is angry because she mixes with men at university

    I m a Muslim woman living in Italy, I study in university, I meet some male colleagues; Muslims, in my class and we talk about lessons and family problems. When I tell my husband about male colleagues and their problems, he gets angry with me. And treating me to prevent me from study. I ask if he is right. What can I do? .. More

  • Wants to be 'Aa'lima

    I sent an e-mail earlier on saying that I want to go to Daar Al-Uloom in Lancaster but I had forgotten to tell you that it is a boarding school Daar Al-Uloom where you stay over for 6 years, so basically I am going to become an alima, Inshaa Allaah, and I am going to learn a lot about Islaam and there are people who are telling me that I.. More

  • Friends do not wear Hijab and some show lewdness

    I was wondering something the other day; basically I am a 16-years-old practicing Muslim and I wear a Hijaab and Jilbaab, Al-Hamdu Lillaah, and I have learned the importance in Islaam of having good friends, Masha' Allaah my friends do have good hearts but when I am walking with them I am wearing totally different clothes from them, some are.. More

  • Wife's traveling to see family

    My husband can since a year not go back to his country because of things that he did not do, we have not been there for three years, and his family has not seen our two youngest children so my husband wants me to travel alone with the children, can I do that for a short time as 1-2 weeks. Or can I take my non-Muslim brother as a Mahram?.. More

  • Women praying in non-Muslim countries

    I would like to ask about rule of women praying outside her home in non-Muslim countries. For example, if she can’t pray in her work, school and mosque is far. Can she to find another place for praying or it is suitable for her wait with praying to her home? Because some Muslim girls want to pray in cabin in the supermarket or in the corner.. More