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773 fatwas

  • A child is not as Mahram during travel

    Quoting Fatwa: 90273 that women can only travel with "Mahram", what if you can't afford to pay for two or no Mahram available at that moment and nevertheless its the only time you managed to save money for her. And also is the baby considered as Mahram? .. More

  • Proper female footwear

    As a new reverts to Islam, I understand that the face and hands are allowed to be uncovered. What about feet? My 2 daughters, 14 and 15 years-old, really want me to allow them to wear sandals; they received as gifts from a relative. For now I told them No! Basically open-toed white sandals, with medium high-heels. Otherwise both girls wear proper.. More

  • Listening to tapes of women lecturers

    Recently, my wife has started to play an audio tape in the car which is teaching day and night Du'as with Tajweed. The voice is of a female. Allaah has proven the sacred state of women by not even mentioning the names of women in Quran except of Maryam, may Allaah be pleased with her, for a specific reason. Can the voice of women be.. More

  • Quranic recitation by the sisters

    Please in a Muslim organization of some few brothers and sisters, they hold Quranic memorization weekly, after the lesson the leader asks the people to recite individually to ascertain their understanding of it. Please can the sisters also recite audibly and if they can, should they sonorously or just like normal conversation?.. More

  • Living in UK without a Mahram

    I'm 18 years old and live in UK with a close relative; one thing I realized was I don't have any Muhrrim at all in this country. So is Haraam on me to say in this country, I do have uncles but they are cousins with my parents, if I have to travel to others cities inside the country. Am I allowing (e.g. making passport) even though I don't have.. More

  • A woman who is traveling

    I plan to go a distance that is considered traveling. I want to go half the distance by myself, (which is not considered traveling) meet my Mahram there and have him accompany me the rest of the way. Is this permissible? .. More

  • Her husband does not like the size of her Hijab

    I am wearing Hijaab, and my Hijaab covers the head and body, and is in one piece. But I have a problem, my husband does not like the form of Hijaab I am wearing, he thinks it is locking to big, and that it is to long. What should I do? Should I wear a short scarf and a Jilbaab, so that he would like it? I hope Inshaa Allaah, that you can answer my.. More

  • Very friendly with his female teacher

    I'm 18-years old. There is a non-Muslim teacher, who is very intimate with me. She is about 35-years old. We always discuss our personal matters. She always encourage me to study well, not as a teacher but as friend, as a mother. We are very close friends. But even I never touch her. I always under Islamic restrictions. In this situation what.. More

  • Her friends wear Hijab but fail to act Islamicly

    Lately a lot of my friends and almost every Islam teen am seeing are all wearing Niqaab (eye-veil) and is bothering me very much! Don't misunderstand me what I mean is that I love them for representing us and all Al-hamdulillaah, but my problem that their warring it and cursing, fighting, dating, talking to guys, touching them I've seen it all... More

  • Questioning the degree of sinfulness for not wearing Hijab

    I was wondering that if I don't put on a veil, scarf, is it counted as one sin altogether or is it that each time a man sees me without Hijaab a sin? I'm trying and hopefully I want to wear it soon, but I'm always afraid that I would end up taking it off again and it would be considered even more Haraam for me that way, and I even think.. More

  • Continues a love relationship with a staunch non-Muslim man

    I living in a multi-racial society, I am prone to meeting people outside my races and regard them as friends. Unfortunately, this has allowed me to fall in love with a Kafir who is willing to stand by me through everything, except entering my religion because he does not believe in one. He is a good person and my mother thinks the same way too. As.. More

  • Dress of a lady who attends functions without men present

    Can a Muslim lady dress for functions in such a way that her 1) Body shape, 2) hands from the shoulders, (3 the neck and (4 the top most part of her breast are all exposed, with an excuse that there will be no men around? Please advise, with supporting Hadeeth, if possible. .. More

  • She wants to make Hijrah from USA and does not want to wait as her marriage proposal suggested

    I have always wanted to make Hijra to a Muslim country but I never had a Muhrim. I young man proposed to me and promised that he would have me to an Islamic country after two or three years. I really don't want to stay two or three more years because my Imaam is decreasing everyday. I make Istikhaarah and I wanted to consult someone but I.. More

  • She travels a distance 50 Km without a Mahram to teach Islam

    my question is about traveling for women. I am 47-years-old, and I give lessons about Islam to girls and woman. For this reason I travel once a month about 50 km from my home to another city without a Mahram. Is that allowed or do I do something Haraam? I know of course that it is prohibited for women to travel without Mahram, but I just.. More

  • Relations between marriageable cousins

    I want to know importance of brother and sister's relations (there is no blood relation they are cousins) my friend has four sisters like this (cousins). He was meeting to her as brother but now he is interested in her and they want to marry (both). What does say Islam in this matter? Please clarify 2 things: 1) Importance of brother.. More