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583 fatwas

  • Praising oneself is prohibited arrogance

    what is the ruling onn someone who tells another person that they are more rreligious then the other? .. More

  • Writing bad review of a restaurant that caused food poisoning

    What is the ruling on leaving a bad review for a business? recently my family went out for A meal and all had food poisoning from the restaurant what is the ruling on leaving an honest bad review of an restaurant? .. More

  • Paying a large sum to conceal age of one's car

    the number plate of my car shows that it is 7 years old. Can I change the number plate to a personalised number plate so that the public would not know the age of my car? I need to pay USD1,000 to the government for a personalised number plate. .. More

  • She asked Allaah to blind her if she watched Internet filth

    Salam. I have been worried and scared, please help me and answer my question. May Allah reward you! A few months ago, I made an oath to Allah; promising him that if I watch filthy stuff on the internet again, may He make me blind! But I did watch it afterwards & repented. I strive to be good Muslim and feel very shame of what I did, but this time.. More

  • Sitting with people who mock Islam / Using imagination to reach sexual pleasure

    Aslamualaykum Wa Rahmatullhi wa barakaatu Some people mocked me by mocking Islam and I ignored them and hated it in my heart but did not leave the gathering (whilst they were mocking me and Islam by talking to each other), have I also become similar to them and nullified my Islam, if so what do I do now. Also sometimes I have heard a person mocking.. More

  • It is not cheating if wife conceals her past sins from husband

    As'salam'mu'a'lay'kum Recently (according to the the opinions of many [I have changed my view on the topic and accepted these opinions, but I have questions]) I have discovered it is wrong for a suitor to question a woman's past (sins) if she has repented, and that she and others should not disclose, whether they are asked about it or not. To me this.. More

  • Lying to evade oppressive taxes

    Asalamu alaykum, I would like to know if the situation when prophet yosuf wanted to keep his brother and put the cup in his younger brother’s belonging to claim his cup was stolen, was that considered to b a lawful lie / trick to get his rights? Can one lie about something to keep or claim his/her rights? or avoid being oppressed? As a result,.. More

  • She lied to her husband about her age

    By Allah I did a great wrong by not telling my husband my true age that i am a year older than him before we got married 22 years ago. We now have a daughter.My husband is the kindest and most religious husband. He tries very hard to emulate the Sunnah and follow the Quran and i know at this point age would not be a problem in our marriage but the.. More

  • Introversion and bashfulness are different traits

    Dear Brother/s, Assalamualaikom. I need your fatwa for the 3 cases below: 1. Shyness is part of our faith but extreme shyness is not good for building relationship with brothers and sisters in Islam. The same as I had observed from a brother who has this problem. It affected his entire life and most of the time breaks some of his relationships with.. More

  • Reporting those who lie to receive government benefits

    Asalamu-Alaikum, I live in Australia and there are many Muslims here that are cheating the welfare system. They do not disclose their earnings and they continue to receive welfare payments and benefits. They also state that they are divorced to earn single parent payments, whilst they are actually married. My question is this, can I inform the tax.. More

  • Backbiting a general group, not specific individuals

    Salaam, the prophet pbuh mentioned that if you talk badly about someone even if it is true, then it is backbiting and if it is not true, then it is slander. My question is that does this apply to general groups as well, not an individual. For example, if someone makes the statement "Celebrities are generally greedy and care about nothing but money.. More

  • He helped his friend to falsify his diploma to become an engineer

    Assalamua’laikum. I have a Muslim friend he graduated as technician, I help him to falsify his diploma to become an Engineer; I knew what I did helping him for the falsification was an act of cheating. I repent for what I did and ask Allah (SWT) forgiveness. Recently he applied a job as an engineer using his false diploma and false working experience.. More

  • Using a fake bank account to get an English passport

    My friend who is studying in England wants to inquire about some methods for acquiring the nationality of England, that whether it will be legal accoding to Islamic Shariah. 1. Acquiring nationality through Paper Marriage. 2. Acquiring nationality through the process called Inter-Tenure. It is a process where you invest your money in England for.. More

  • He masturbates while imagining that he prostrates to a woman

    Assalammualaikum a man who is married has an addiction to mastubating. Worst sometime he imagined that "he has sex with another girl and he imagine that he prostate to the girl" to get aroused during masturbation. But his faith is towards Allah, and he never meant to do what he exactly imagine, it's just happen in his imagination. Does he became.. More

  • Saying "Marhoom" and other questions

    Salaam Alaikum Shaikh, I have 3 questions, Is it permissible to call righteous people who have passed away as Marhoom? And my second question is, when praying funeral for woman should one make dua saying "And give her spouse better than of this world"? And Shaikh, If one sneezes in Salah (prayer), can he say "Alhamdulillah"? Jazaak ALLAHU Khair... More