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583 fatwas

  • Concealing from an old man the news of his fatal illness

    Asalam Alaikum My grandfather is an old man and he has recently been diagnosed with cancer. The tumor is big and he needs to take chemotherapy. His sons and other family decided to not tell him that he has cancer because they think he will be scared and his health might get worse and die. They did tell him he has a sac and he needs medicine and everything.. More

  • Impermissible to skip classes and arrange proxy attendance

    Asalamu alykum is it sinful to bunk(leave the class without teachers permission) classes? because my physics teacher doesn't teach good so i use to bunk his classes. is it sinful to make proxy during attendence? .. More

  • Parents may ask their son-in-law not to kiss his wife in front of them

    can a father in law restrict her son in law to not to kiss her wife in front of their parents? .. More

  • Lying to father about accessing the internet

    Aslamaualakaum Please can you reply back as soon as possible as it is important. Here is the story, my dad thinks me and my brothers wath haram stuff on the internet, so he blocked out internet, but i dont wath anything haram i use it for islmic talks and news, i found a way to unlbock it seacetly and my dad doesnt know. I dont feal to bad about it.. More

  • Impermissible to use masturbation to cure hematospermia

    Assalamu alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa barakatu After being deceived by this dunya I started to practise right now since 9 months. I had lots of habits from my jahiliyyah but I abandoned all of them. I did not masturbate for over 7 months I guess because of a bad consciousness. Yesterday I could not control myself so I masturbated without using my hands.. More

  • Taking a paid sick-leave while not sick is lying

    Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah. In ramadan this month i didnt work anything simply because og ramadan, i wanted to focus on The month and on to draw nearer to Allah SWT, but I told my job that I either couldn't come or was sick. So I may have lied. So this month i got The salary for that month I worked and I noticed that I got more money and money.. More

  • Practical solutions for the problem of pornography addiction

    Salamu Aleikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatu I would like to ask you about somethin i came across something intrieging i heard that pornography is an addiction no different than drugs so even if u resist u will eventually go back to watching porn again and i stopped watching porn for like 6 weeks and it was an amazing feeling but eventually started getting.. More

  • Ruling on forgiving future offenses

    Is it allowed for someone to make a predisposed decision that they will forgive whoever on this earth backbites or harms them in some way, whether the person is aware of it or not. Basically even if someone backbites you but you were never aware of it, can you make a decision beforehand to seek forgiveness for all those who do that, so that Allah may.. More

  • Ruling on having bad assumptions and speaking negatively about others

    Assalamu Alaikkum, Please consider the case of negative thinking a) A brother promised me to meet on particular time, but he did not come, i called him many times, he didn't attend my phone, i came to a decision that he is avoiding me. Then the next day i came to know that he kept his mobile somewhere b)My friend going to meet my manager, i say to him.. More

  • Ruling on committing sins openly

    ASALAM O ALAKUM!!!! I know watching TV is prohibited. But I want yo ask that in the present day almost all people watch TV.Some people watch Indecent programmes while some watch only dramas(containing music, not the words of disbelief not much spread of indecency the dramas made in Islamic countries like Pakistan. People watch them infront of house.. More

  • Committing forbidden acts so as to entertain the audience

    There is a show where 4 friends do tasks and dare each other to do things and there is a punishment at the end for the person who gets the most fails from the tasks. For example, one person might get asked, by the other 3 people, to swear at a member of the public. If the person chooses to not do this task he will get a fail and the person who gets.. More

  • It is not lying to say Al-Hamdu Lillaah

    assalamu alaikum my question is that if a muslim meets you and asks "how are you?" and you say alhamdulilah(with the intention of praising allah or answering their question) even if you don't actually feel alright or OK, does this count as lying? (whereby you may deceive the brother into thinking you're alright by saying alhamdulilah even if its not.. More

  • How to treat unjustifiable fear and how to avoid lying

    I have two question: firstly, When somebody had strange fears which make no sense but cause great grief ( certain shapes etc) are things like these from the works of shaytan or tests from Allah? My second question is does one incur a sin for lying in the case that they are lying to match the story of someone else to save them trouble and embarrassment.. More

  • One is not sinful for one's inner thoughts

    Asalam o Alaikum. I have habit of torturing people in my mind who do bad to me and curse them in mind or sometimes by speaking but in loneliness not infront of people but I can't ask forgiveness from people. What should I do? And what is remedy for aggressive behaviour and agitation.? .. More

  • Describing a person as being 'self-sufficient'

    As-salaamu 3laikum, I want to know about the ruling on using the term 'self-sufficient'. I was speaking with my sister who is non-Muslim and she was using this word to mean being financially independent of the other members of the family and not asking them for help etc. Is it ok to use this word? Jazaak Allahu khair .. More