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583 fatwas

  • Making fun of people who commit sins it a sin to make fun of people who commit sins,or take them as a joke and laugh at them? 2.if you grow old does the relationship stay the same with non-mahram,such as you can't make friends with them? 3.can kids under the age of puberty be friends with the opposite gender? .. More

  • Saying “The food made me ill”

    If any one says that he became ill after drinking milk or these foods are causes for his illness; is there any thing is wrong/'Shirk' in saying so? some we said that if take these medicine ypu will come round; is there anything wron/'Shirk' in saying so. Beacause we know Allah gives illness and wellness. Thanks.. More

  • She may be subjected to lie detector test at American airports

    i was not a practicing muslim in the past.ALHAMDULILLAH WITH THE HELP OF ALLAHI I MENDED MAY WAYS AND TRYING MY BEST TO LEAD AGOOD LIFE.I HAVE LIED IN THE PAST BUT NOW I AM VERY CAREFUL ABOUT WHAT I SAY.I LIVE IN USA .I HAVE HEARD THAT THEY R THINKING ABOUT Lie detector test at of the question wil be, have u ever lied to authorities,.. More

  • His colleagues call him by a nickname he does not like

    Assalamu alykum,i am a high school student,and i once heard about a hadith stating that which ever name one is called in the worldly life,with that name shall one be called with in the hereafter,and in my school,my friends use to call me by a nickname which all my friends make fun of,and if to say that i should tell them to stop,it will cause social.. More

  • It is impermissible to write theses for others to obtain the Master’s degree

    What is the ruling on the person who writes theses, whether or not for a charge, for others to obtain the Master's degree?.. More

  • Prohibited to charge with infidelity based on doubts

    I have now been married for 11 years and have three children. My wife always used to be an exemplary religious woman when I was with her and I do not know how she acted while I was away. I never felt that she loved me, but she was very good at acting. By chance I discovered her infidelity, and she could not deny it or even defend herself. She is now.. More

  • Feigning to make the husband happy

    I do not feel any pleasure when having sexual intercourse with my husband. However, I moan to pretend that I feel pleasure and to make my husband, whom I love, happy. Is this considered lying? May Allaah reward you... More

  • Conceit is the Devil’s trap

    I am a young man who lives in the West. All praise is due to Allaah, I am adherent to Islamic teachings. I work in a computer lab which is in the university where I study. There is a girl who works with me in the same lab, and she frequently asks me questions related to the subject while we are sitting at the same PC. Praise is due to Allaah, I do.. More

  • She regretted forging her son’s date of birth

    asslam u alaikum i hope u are okay.i am a mother of 2 boys living in usa for 8 years. when my husband applied for my immigration ,for some reasons i had to lie in my documents and we had to change the date of birth of my elder son by 4 months.i am repenting for what i have done and i keep crying but there is no way to undo the time of immigration.. More

  • Her sister-in-law wishes that her children be better than other children

    Assalam alaikoum. My question covers family relationships. I have a sister in law that is neurotically self centered. One time I was telling her "None of you has faith unless he loves for his brother what he loves for himself". She responded this is tough because I would want my children to be better than yours. Knowing I am single and she was then.. More

  • Wants to do a marriage contract with a Chrisitian man to get a UK visa

    i have a question regarding contract marriage i am an 18yrs old girl i want to go to UK someone suggested i do contract marriage with a christian boy to get visa and then he will divorce me after 2yrs mean while i have to pay some amount for that.i want to know if this is right according to islamic way. As this paper marriage is just for the and.. More

  • Wants to cheat his non-Muslim employers

    I am working in an International organization, they need software but I have the crack version. The person who needs this software is my friend, I discussed with him that we will share the price and will sell the soft on them through another channel. I am doing this, because this is not an Islamic organization, and they waste money on many other useless.. More

  • Impermissible to spy on Muslims

    Is it permissible to keep a person under surveillance if he is suspected of being a thief?.. More

  • The punishment for a wittol

    What is the ruling on a wittol (someone who tolerates adultery committed by his women-folk)?.. More

  • Using exam dumps to get IT certifications

    IT dump exam is a reviewer that will give you 90% real questions and answers on the real online exam. It can be downloaded in the Internet or it can be purchase on a certain website. These are very popular to IT professionals who are attending IT certification. Most of the IT professionals are using this to Pass the IT certification like microsof,.. More