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1048 fatwas

  • Her in-laws interfere with the way she brings up her child

    salam aleikum sheikh,,, i have one big problem.. i have one son who is almost one and half years old and i am pregnant and will born insha allah in about 3 weeks... my problem is that i really love my husbands family, but they interfer very much in my son and almost dont let me to be mom for him..for example they dont let me to feed him with food..they.. More

  • His mother wants him to leave her house

    Assalamu Alikum Dear Sheik Im having a issue that my mother who was in abroad for 24 years and came back to hometown.I lived with my aunt and got married.and now i lived till now with my mothers property and recently she told me to leave the advice me to how to react in this situation ?and my mom is a divorced I need to look after her as.. More

  • He wants to take his wife where he works, but his parents object

    hi.i am faheem,i am doing a job almost 500km away from my parents.and my job restricts me to remain there.i am married,my wife asked me to provide her a house at my job city.where we both can live together,there are 4 brothers of me who can take care of my parents and they do it good,my wife wants to live with me in my job city while my parents.. More

  • His father wants him to return to his country and leave his Islamic studies

    Asalamu -Alikum Brother in Islam! I was born in a Muslim family, But our father do not teach us proper Islam in another words he only teachers us the Quran at the time we are little, and not even in tajweed form. After that, he sends us in the street to look for money. for me however I run away from him as I wanted to find a place or a country where.. More

  • They do not talk to their father who married a second wife

    Assalamualaikum! We were living very happily. My father attempted second marriage four years back though my sister was mature. sometimes, he comes to our house. We are two brothers and two sisters. My mother and two sisters talk to him. we got angy as we had the responsibility of our elder sister and he married. Now we managed to get our elder sister.. More

  • He may miss a part of the congregational prayer if he takes his father to the mosque

    My father has grown old and no longer possesses his mental faculties that are necessary for performing prayers properly. In fact, I feel a little ashamed to accompany him to the mosque alone or with my family. Also, when I take him with me, I may miss the beginning of the congregational prayer or become unable to perform the Sunnah (voluntary) prayer.. More

  • Parents insist on a wife-to-be and the son refuses

    My parents insist on making me marry one of my relatives but I do not agree. They are adamant that I should marry this particular girl. What should I do?.. More

  • Favoring her son over her mother with food

    My 80-year-old grandmother has a troublesome problem. Once, she was keeping a small amount of flour as food for her young son, for they were very poor. Her mother, who was very hungry that day, passed by her and asked her if she had any food, but she answered in the negative because she had only that amount of flour which was insufficient for both.. More

  • Desertion because of a Sharee’ah-approved reason is permissible

    A dispute occurred between my brother and my father because my brother wants to marry a girl with a bad reputation. My father refuses this marriage. Finally, my father expelled our brother from home and ordered me, as well other my brothers, not to see or talk to him. What should we do? Should we sever kinship ties with our brother in order to obey.. More

  • Ruling on residing with an adulterous father

    I am 25 years old and I reside with my father in the same house. He wants to bring women in order to commit adultery with them and I cannot prevent him. What should I do? Noting that he is more than 55 years old and cannot live alone due to sickness, should I leave him? .. More

  • Censuring Jews and Christians

    What is the ruling on insulting the religion of the Jews and Christians?.. More

  • His parents do not care enough about him

    Dear Brother, Assalamualaikum, Since Childhood, i feel less care from my parents and i used to put my attention on academic studies, and now this feeling of lackness has increased, as ive got married and my i feel my family is not cared ,appreciated as my other brothers. i help my dad financially and take care of home by fulfiling all necessities... More

  • Her mother does not want to forgive her for mistreating her

    Salaam brothers and sisters. I want to ask about my mother, I am 26years right now I used to treat her not in good manner when i was teenage and my mother is not ready to forgive me after all these years.She treats with me in a very bad way and in very bad manner different from everyone in our family. She hates me in every way that it can be. Although.. More

  • Wants to lie to his parents and go out with Jamaa'ah at-Tableegh

    As salam o Alikum ! I want to go at Dawat-e-Tableegh for 4 months but my parents not allow me to go far and i am only 1 child of parents no one can support if i will not be with them. IF i tell them i am going to do job for 4 months outside the city they will agree. Now please confirm if i will lie to my parents that i am going for job but i will.. More

  • Visiting and exchanging gifts with a Christian neighbor

    My neighbor is a Christian. We are friends and we visit one another, exchange gifts, and share occasions. What is the ruling on this?.. More