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1048 fatwas

  • Emotional feelings towards one's siblings

    My question is about an emotional feeling: Is there any limit regarding the relationship of brotherhood and love among siblings? .. More

  • Her father forbids her from visiting mother who remarried

    Assalam Aleikum...., My parents divorced and my mum got married to another man. my dad restrict me from going to my mum's place. he also added that he wont be pleased with me in this world and the hereafter whenever i go to my mum's place,i should only meet her any where else but not her house. my mum refuses to meet me any place other than her house.As.. More

  • How to earn back the trust of husband and his family

    Assalamualikum WarehmatullahI am from India and currently living in Saudi Arabia with my husband. I got married in Jan 2014 and i was with my husband for 35 days then he left me at my in-laws home (where No non-mehram are there as my husband is the only son) for 3 months. During this time i was in contact with my male friend, I used to talk to him on.. More

  • Parents request that son discloses his income

    As-salamu alaykum I seek guidance on a matter. To keep things short I am 22 year old male living with my family. Alhumduallah the family is well off but recently because of my illness the government has decided to provide funding for myself to help. My parents have asked for the exact figure. I have given an estimate but my parents still want to know.. More

  • Traveling to continue studies when mother is sick at home

    Assalamualaikum Syaikh,I'm from Indonesia, and I always find this website to be very helpful to me. I wanted to ask in Arabic, but I'm not really fluent in it, so I decided to go with English. I will try to explain this subject briefly.I'm 22 years old, and Alhamdulillah have finished my bachelor in Sharia Economics in Indonesia. Now, I really want.. More

  • Sharing an apartment with non-Muslims

    As salaamu alaikum, Dear Sir, Ilive in a flat in which our neighbor are hindus but no women only bachelors in which we have a common bathroom sharing bathroom with non Muslims is it prohibited, as iam a good practicing Muslim thank you regards. .. More

  • His father openly flirts with the housemaids

    Asslam o Alaikum,My father flirts with my house maids, by saying immoral words etc. to them. In reaction they insult him or if they are not pious they enjoy his remarks and such things keep on going in my house. This has been happening since last many years.I have two young sons and a wife. I fear he is setting a bad example for them and destroying.. More

  • Brother refuses to divorce wife who criticizes Islam

    I have a very complicated situation so please forgive me if my question is slightly lengthy.Myself and my brother currently live in the UK. My brother married a woman who was a Muslimah but didn't seem very practicing at the time. She has since committed Riddah and openly speaks against aspects of the Deen. She has mocked our mother Aisha in my presence.. More

  • Saying 'may Allaah reward you' to an unbeliever

    Could we say ((may Allah reward you greatly)) to the non-believers when they do a good work?((May Allah reward you greatly))... .. More

  • He accuses his mother and brother of stealing his money

    As-salamu alaykum I am a sunni muslim. I am 17 years old. My brothers name is Yasser. Yasser is 19. I recently found out my mother and brother stole money from me. They stole 800 euro. My mother is extremely well off, so is my brother. They are not short of money. I only found out because all mighty Allah helped me. My mother claimed she had no idea.. More

  • Her friends/relatives smoke Sheeshah whenever they get together

    Asalamu Alaikum, I have friends/relatives that whenever they get together smoke shisha. They invite me over and I sit with them but don't smoke because it's haram. They don't listen when I tell them it's haram and some will go to the point of denying that it's haram no matter what proof I give them or whoever scholar they hear. I've been feeling bad.. More

  • Father continually refuses eligible suitors for his daughter

    My question is regarding my father. My father doesn't Want to get me married off.I m 30 year old Muslim girl living in India.He has been rejecting suitable proposals since 8 years. My mother and brother had arguments with him but no use.He said he will not do it again bt a lot of people informed my brother that he again ignored proposal. Earlier my.. More

  • Mother has no right to force son to divorce

    Assalamu alaikum, Please refer to your answer to my question on Fatwa No: 251251. My wife and two kids have returned to my home after intervention from my uncles. This is not without issue. My mum has become furious because she was not aware of her return until later coupled with the trauma of the death of my father. my elder brother called my uncles.. More

  • Praying Naafilah prayers to avoid parents' anger

    What if someone: Normally prays just they Fard namaz but their parents shout at them when they see him/her not praying the extra namaz so when they are in the room he prays those extra namaz so he does not get shouted at. Does it count as minor shirk? .. More

  • Parents not responsible for the actions of children if they are not a cause

    Assalamuilaikum. Before i reached puberty i committed kufr but i know im not responsible for that because i didnt hit puberty yet at that time but is my parents responsible for that sin i committed before i baligh? And im just curious how the parents being responsible for the child's sins. Is it like when the child committed a sin like swearing, then.. More