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My wife will have a heart surgery and may need to change the valve of her heart. There are two options: a valve from a pig or a mechanical valve. If she takes the mechanical valve, then she will have to use medication for the rest of her life and this medication would causes great harm to the baby if she were to get pregnant. We do not have any kids.. More
My wife, who is 52 years old, suffers from a chronic renal failure and has been told by a kidney specialist that she will need a dialysis or kidney transplant within approximatively one year. I am 58 years old and have put myself forward for a kidney donation, but unfortunately blood tests came back showing that my wife and I are incompatible with each.. More
I am a student of medicine. We regularly deal with human bones which we buy from our seniors. I wanted to know whether it is ok for us to sell them at reduced prices, since our juniors will have to buy them in any case. Also can we sell them at a higher price than which we bought as its price increases every year, because its part of the syllabus to.. More
Assalaam alaikum, I have read the difference among scholars regarding the place of intellect,whether it is the heart or brain, but we see In quraan and hadeeth that heart is described as a place for intellect Beware! There is a piece of flesh in the body, if it is reformed, the whole body becomes good, but if it gets spoilt the whole body gets spoilt;.. More
Asslamualaikum wa RAhmatuLLAHI Wa Barakaatuhu wa Maghfiratuhu! Dear Sir, Am writing this to you, with Full humbleness and loads of pain and lots of Hope! My problem is very unique and strange, mine is a Love Marriage, I cannot bear children (as my uterus is absent since birth, I also knew to some extent that I could not perform sex, which I told.. More
Is it allowed in Islam to sacrifice the body organs after death? In case they can, then will they be errected in the same way ( without the corres. organ ) on the day of judgement?.. More
Assalaamu alaikum,
What is the Islamic ruling regarding bone marrow donation?
Jazak Allah khair.. More
Recently a woman (A) gave birth after receiving the world's first whole ovary transplant from her twin sister (B) a year ago after (A) suffered an early menopause. Although physically everything seems normal, genetically the child is of (B) and (A)'s husband since female eggs are already developed before any female's birth. Is this transplant permissible.. More
Is it permissible for Muslims to participate in organ donation?
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What is the islamic view in organ donation.Why are Muslims not allowed to take organs from banks transplantation of organ?.. More
What is the Islamic view in organ donation. Are Muslims allowed to take organs from such banks? for transplantation?
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1) Is it allowed for a Muslim to donate a human body organ to other person?2) Is it allowed to operate on a dead body for experimentation by medical students?
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Can Muslims donate body organs to other Muslims or non-Muslims?
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What does Islam say about kidney transplant from non-Muslim to Muslim boy in non-Muslim country?.. More
Are Muslims allowed to give blood and donate organs?
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