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As you know, fragrance-free washing powder is rarely found on the market today. My question is: What is the Islamic ruling if a woman goes out of her home while wearing clothes washed with fragrant washing powder, noting that those who pass beside her will smell the good smell of the clothes. Is such washing powder considered tempting to men; is a woman.. More
What is the sharia ruling when a mother applies perfume to her child and then goes out with him?
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. I have an oil which is used for pain relief; it has camphor in it, which, to my knowledge, is a kind of fragrance used to wash the dead. My question is: being a woman, applying fragrance and passing next to non-Mahrams (permanently unmarriageable kin) is sinful, so can I apply this oil and go.. More
What is the ruling on using incense in mosques and seeking blessings through it in the homes? What is the ruling on using incense during panic or fear of something, such as when a person falls from a high place? What is the ruling on some people's claim that the origin of incense is the Jinn and devils?
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What is the Islamic ruling on selling cosmetics and perfumes to non-Muslim women in a foreign country?
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What is the ruling on selling perfume to women who display their beauty in streets, taking into account the Hadeeth of the Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, regarding women wearing perfume?
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My wife loves to wear perfume outside the house. Am I deemed sinful for that, knowing that I repeatedly advised her and that we even quarreled because of this matter? Should I do anything more than advise? If she does not accept my advice, then what should I do?
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salam, please I want to know the ruling on this, my husband wants me to wear perfume when we are going out together and even though other men will smell it, he says its ok if we are together, is this right? and what if I wear perfume at home and his freinds come to visit and I have to serve them and they can smell it? is that also haram? it is causing.. More
Assalam-Alaikum. I understand that it is not permissable for a women to wear perfume when going out of the home. The question is, what if my wife is going to a women only event outside the house, say at some house or centre. Is this not permissable either? Shukrann & Jazak-Allah-Khairunn. .. More
Asalamalaikum, I would like to know it if is permissible to remove hair from above the upper lip for females. Also is it permissible for ladies to wear light perfume that does not contain alcohol in such a way that it smells only when someone get very close to her. Thank you... More
Bismillah Salam alekum wrwb I have a question: I would like to know if pheromone perfumes are halal or haram. I would be glad if you could give me a proof from quran or sunna. Barakallahu fikum ! Salam alekum wrwb.. More
The Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said: "Whoever is offered perfume, should not refuse it.” Is this a prohibition or a dislikeability? If there is any scholar who is of the view that it is prohibited, please mention his name, if any. .. More
I read a few questions about the use of perfumes which contain alcohol. I just have one doubt. I have been hearing perfumes which contain alcohol should not be used because it contains Haraam thing in it. But I have a question that if seen the property of alcohol, it gets evaporated at room temperature, so that means if we just spray it will get.. More
Can I wear perfume which contains alcohol? Can I use it during the praying time?
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I have a question to ask about perfumes. All perfumes on the market contain alcohol. While offering Salah (prayers) can males/females use perfume on their body and cloths?.. More
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