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Is it permissible to curl your lashes with a eyelash curler and go outside if the intention is not to attract men? it’s not something you smear, it isn’t mascara that can make the lashes black/ thick, not temporary and it is not weird for woman to have curled lashes, there are woman with natural curled lashes.
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can we dye hair in the state of janabaah
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Assalaamu Alaikum,For hairtransplant for balding on head they use hair from the side and back of the head. If this is not enough, they can use hair from the underside of chin (beard), chest, shoulders or back. Is this allowed?
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Assalamualaikum my name's Afnan I'm 13 years old. My question is can I shave my head I don't have any intentions to look like a male I just can't take care of my hair and I'm very busy with school and my hair get greasy every 1-2 days its pretty annoying.if I ever do shave my head I'll still be wearing a hijab.My mom says it's Haram and I don't want.. More
Question: question was about permanent hair straightening. So if I’m certain there’s a barrier on hair which prevents water from reaching to the hair and as the treatment is permanent..means new grown hair will be in Natural texture but straightening hair will remain same.. So should i have to shave my head from removing it? Otherwise.. More
I have read a fatwa with regard to permissibility for men to use things that improve skin and mositurizing it on Fatwa 360625. However, on Fatwa 22657, it seems to be stated that it is more prudent to avoid creams like whitening cream as to soften or whiten the skin. So I am a little bit nervous if it leads to imitation of women if I am using serums.. More
As Salamu Alaikum Wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh
Is it permissible to apply oil on eyebrows and eyelashes to make them thick.
Can we apply hair regrowth oil on head and what are the ruilings on applying beard oil for thick beard
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Assalamualaikum, I apologize for such question. I have not checked it with a doctor but I have a facial skin condition that could be seborrheic dermatitis also known as dandruff (flakes of skin). This appears on my eyebrows a lot and when I go to exfoliate it or remove it, eyebrow hairs come out with it, sometimes a lot. I am a female and I wanted to.. More
Alsalam Alaikum,i want to ask if it is not haram to remove additional eyebrows hair. i do sometimes get jokes about my thick eyebrows and it really hurts. i don’t want to shape it, just to clean it. thank you
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If a muslim has recited a few spell of magic from net so that a guy falls in love with her and if she has even said that i may be blessed with beauty so that the guy falls in love wirh hwr after the spell If she has done that intentionally knowing she will be thrown into hell and doing kufr but after half an hour repented regretfully for realized wat.. More
Salam aleikum I have a serious question .Since i was about 16 years old my hair roots on my eyebrows died so i dont have any eyebrows. ( im a woman ) i have try anything to make them grow but nothing helped and doctor said its impossible bcz roots died so the past years i have been forced to make a tattoo on them bcz not having eyebrows scare People.. More
Assalamu AlaykumI have a question regarding a medical treatment I am using for hair loss. After multiple pregnancies and breastfeeding I am starting to permanently lose my head hair. I am using a medicine to make it grow back, and I have to use this permanently, otherwise my hair falls out again. The side effect of this medicine is it makes my facial.. More
Is dressing good to impress people an act of minor shirk? Question 2:What is meant by doing good deeds for the dunya? And how is it a form of shirk? Some ahadith mention the wordly benefits of doing good deeds. Question 3:Is praying the hanafi way the wrong way? There are ahadith about it. Question 4:What is the ruling on choosing a less authentic hadith.. More
Asaalamo aleikoum scholar. If a person amuses himself when he he is going to a place where people will se him more than when he goes to pray to the mosque or when he prays to Allah a nafil praye in home has he commited shirk? As amusing onself when prayer is an act of worship. For example when going outside he wears his best thobe and he uses perfurme.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I am referring to the question I sent in earlier; question No. 2683980. I asked about henna and the validatity of ablution and Ghusl (ritual bath). You referred to some other similair questions and answers. Now I am not sure whether I got the exact answers to my questions. So, if a henna product coats the hairline but does not get.. More
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