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My name is Yasmine. I graduated last year and had the opportunity to pursue my studies abroad (PhD in the United States) it was funded but I needed a certain amount of money to cover the traveling expenses. My father gave it to me. Is it considered a debt?
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I borrowed some money from my mother and my mother has died, so what can I do? Give me an answer from an Islamic point of view and also ahdees reference please.Cordially,
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Asalam o alaykm,A wealthy father has one eldest daughter and three sons. The father faces a terminal illness that can take his life. In such an event (i.e. father's life-threatening illness), instead of distributing the shares of inheritance, does the Islamic law allow the father to leave all his wealth and family financial matters "in the care" of.. More
My dad left his 12 kids everything, we divided it amongst ourselves. Me and my 3 sisters got a house as our inheritance. 3 of us want to sell it but one keeps refusing. What can we do? Can she refuse? Is there something we can do?
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Assalamalaikum, Is it permissible in Islam for a father to give his property to his daughter after marriage without giving to her husband, as he afraid of her future as her husband doesn't provide her well?
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Monthy rent from Inheritance not being divide properly,all heirs werent consulted,im trying for months to set it right,bt no one listen toMe,uncle dosnt tell me how much is total amnt recieved,i dont've access to it,he deny to give documents.idont know what my share is,i recieve a certain sum monthly, im trying bt until its fixed i need to depnd on.. More
SalaamQuestion is related to inheritance. My father passed away last year and my mother is refusing to give my brother and I our share of inheritance. She has a property abroad which is currently trying to sell as well as a property here in the UK. My father also had a shop abroad which my mother has sold.She says she does not have to give us our share.. More
As per Surah Nisa, the male gets twice the share of female. Can a parent violate this command by gifting all property equal between a son and daughter?
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My dad past away several years ago before passing away he singed the deed of the house to my moms name due to problems with my brother is that halal or haram in Islam on his behalf
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If someone dies while intending to expiate for a broken oath or makeup their fasting, but no one knows about it and they don’t offer them in the dead persons behalf, will the dead person be forgiven for it?
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Assalamu alaikumI have 3 sons and one doughter in my life time i wish to give all my wealth(property and cash)equally divided portions to all my children it is correct or i should give 2 parts to sons and 1 part to daughter please clear doubt.jazakalla
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Assalam Alaykum,If my sibling had a child born via surrogacy (ie gestational surrogacy = embryo of the couple created IVF and implanted in a hired surrogate, carried and delivered by caesarean)-- what is the status of the child, Islamically?How do I and my family interact with the child? Do the same rights/relationship with the child exist as there.. More
Assal?m alaykum.
Beloved Shaykh i would like to know the ruling regarding two sons who're muslims but their mother is a non-muslim (Christian) who is unfortunately mentally ill for years now she has a piece of land under her ownership can her two sons use it or sell it for themselves considering that she's been mentally ill for years since they were.. More
Assalam alaikum,Unfortunately my father passed away recently and now it's only me,my mother and my sister. Our father was the sole breadwinner of the family,after he left the only thing we have now is a land and a house which were both under my father's name. Me and my sister are quite young and have not even completed school yet. When he was there.. More
salam allakum.both my parents passed may God have mercy on them.also they were divorced my sisters stayed in us with our mother,my father and i returned to syria on his land we had many trees and required work we also built 2 story building 1 was for my sisters and 2was for me also we built 3 story building but nothing was said about sisters both are.. More
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