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Assalaamu alaykum. My question is with regards to the Udhhiyah (sacrificial animal). There is a coupon system available nowadays. Once the slaughtering is done, we have to go and collect it. Is it ok if the sheep that they give us after slaughtering is not the one that was registered in our name?
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A religious committee supervising the construction of a Masjid would like to carry out a profitmaking project for the sake of the Masjid. It is to collect, with no return, the hides of 'Eid sacrifices from their owners after doing the ritual and sell them to a company specialized in leather manufacturing. They plan to benefit from the price in building.. More
My friend donated his living Udh-hiyah (sacrificial animal) to a poor family which he favored to himself. Shall he get the reward of offering the Udh-hiyah?
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Is it permissible for me to take my sacrificial animal to a slaughterhouse and pay for slaughtering and skinning it?
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Is it permissible to drink from the milk of the Udh-hiyah (sacrificial animal for 'Eed)?
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Should the meat of the Udhiyyah be distributed uncooked or grilled?.. More
What is the ruling on the Udh-hiyah (‘Eed sacrificial animal) that a father [pays for and] gifts his son, given that the latter works, has his own income and lives and eats independently? Please advise... More
In our district, there is a new Masjid without rugs, and the board of the Masjid requested us to provide them with the skins of our Udh-hiyah (sacrificial animal for ‘Eed) this year. What is the Sharee‘ah ruling on this, knowing that some Imaams here ruled this to be disliked? Please advise... More
Is it a must to divide what is extracted from the sacrifice such as its liver, heart, lungs, intestines and the like as three shares like one does with its meat, or can those who offered the sacrifice keep it?
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Is it permissible for me to give a share of the meat of my Udh-hiyah to a heretic innovator who holds a belief against that of Ahlus-Sunnah? This man is poor and I do not know him personally. I just know that he belongs to such a [deviant] sect... More
when we give sacrifice for the living and the non-living, how is the distribution of meat done? is it same for both or different?.. More
why meat for qurban and aqiqah can't give to non muslim... More
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