Most of my friends do not pray. I have to be with them most of the time because they are my classmates. How should I deal with them?.. More
While we perform the congregational prayer, a brother recites the Quran in a loud voice which disturbs the others. How can I advise him without embarrassing him?.. More
My brothers watch pornographic programs without the knowledge of my father. However, my mother encourages them to do so. I do not want to tell my father so as not to cause problems between him and my mother. Do I share in the guilt incurred?.. More
I am a doctor who always comments on the violations of Sharee‘ah that the nurses commit. Am I to be held sinful for this? Am I permitted by Sharee‘ah to do this?.. More
A friend of mine has recently become a Muslim and he asked me ''why should I be a Muslim?'', in other words ''what distinguishes Islam from other religions?'' What is the meaning of Laa ilaaha illallaah? .. More
Salam alaikum,is there a hadith that says,that if someone reverted to islam and while he is saying his shadah to Allah he must point his index fingerlike the way we are doing in our prayer while in tashahud, and also is it haram to wear a ring on that finger.?jazaka Allahum khair.. More
Are there some acts which entail punishment when neglected, and some acts which entail punishment if committed, yet jurists cannot pass Fatwa regarding them? Could you please give me an example? .. More
My brother touched the hand of my uncle’s wife unintentionally as he was trying to hold my young cousin. Is he sinful? Am I sinful because I saw him and did not warn or advise him?.. More
What should I do when someone disobeys Allaah in my home?.. More
I own an internet café. Is it permissible for me to hack the customers’ computers so as to hinder them from visiting porn sites? Would this be considered spying on others?.. More
What do you think about the convergence of sects?.. More
What is your opinion about Sufism? Is it among the seventy- two groups that will enter Hell as was mentioned in the Hadeeth, or is it among the Saved group?.. More
What is the ruling on the person who denies the comprehensiveness of Islam? .. More
What is the meaning of forbidding evil and how should it be done?.. More
Is there a difference between the scholars and commoners in deviant sects? If so, how can we apply the verse in which Allaah The Almighty Says (what means): {And they will say, "Our Lord, indeed we obeyed our masters and our dignitaries, and they led us astray from the [right] way.} [Quran 33:67] and similar verses which join the subjects with their.. More
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