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Salam. I have an interesting question. In one of the fatwas I read, it says that no soul will bear another person's [soul] burden or things he/she did wrong. So the reason why I don't understand this is because my mom is a christian and I wrote about it and you stated that I am responsible for my mom becoming a muslim, although I must say, I really.. More
Salaam Alikum brothers. I live in an area of London where majority of my neighbors are old ladies and all of them are either Jews or Christians. Due to my religious duty to help neighbors I do their shopping, because I am busy on weekdays and the only time I can help them is one day of weekend where I do their shopping. I do most of their shopping except.. More
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions. It is quite evident to everyone that the Christians used to take ‘Eesa (Jesus) and his mother Maryam (Mary), may Allaah exalt her mention, as two gods besides.. More
who is sidarth gotama?was he only human?has he a supranatural power?was he a prophet?how buddha has been created?.. More
Alsalamu Alaykom, 1-Is it true that the jews killed many prophets? Please name some of them. 2-Why did God allow some of his prophets to be killed knowing that he is the one who sent them and is able to protect them at any time? Thank you.. More
Alsalamu Alaykom, I recently listened to a utube video for a Sheikh who said that prophet Mohamed PBUH is mentioned in Hindu scriptures. How come this fact is true knowing that Hinduism is an idolatrous pagan non heavinly religion? Thank you Bassem Tannir.. More
Asalam alaycum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. May Allah azzawajal bless you for your efforts. My parents, are not muslims, im convert to islam since 6 years wal hamdulilah, since 4 years we was in war because of Islam, but now they accept me with niqab, my husband with bear and having many wives...they also cook for us in hallal way.They are open to.. More
many cases of people converting to islam for love. would this be considered a valid reason?? i mean they entered islam just to get married to the muslim man or woman and really don't have interest in the religion or any religion at all for that matter... More
My wife is about to return home here in the Philippines next month (March2008) after completing three years of working in Saudi Arabia. My wife told me that she would only return to Saudi to work again if I will go with her and that I should convert to Muslim. I have been self studying Islam since 2005 and recently I converted to Muslim (last Feb4/2008.. More
Alsalamu Alaykom, Does the jewish sect who believes that Ozeir is son of God still exist today? Thank you.. More
Alsalamu Alaykom, It is mentioned in the holy Quran that there is a christian sect that worship Jesus and Mary as two gods beside God. Does this sect still exist? Thank you .. More
What is the ruling of Islam concerning Da'wah?.. More
I am a young man and I prevent my sisters from contacting young men. Unfortunately, however, my father opposes my actions and sometimes I raise my voice at him. What should I do?.. More
Why will a Christian enter Hell if he was born Christian?.. More
Is a person a Muslim after declaring the two testimonies of faith? Is a person supposed to learn the issue of Tawheed (Islamic monotheism) before being declared a Muslim?
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