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978 fatwas

  • Remaining silent while someone says wrong things about Islam

    If someone has a wrong understanding of Islam and teaches it and a Muslim is there and knows that it is wrong but does not say anything, has he commented Kufr (disbelief)? .. More

  • Muslim man trying to convert girl to Islam

    Assalaamu alaykum Brothers and Sisters and whoever reads my question. Please do not quicklyjudge me, and be merciful in your answer. I love a girl; we met online four years ago, and she lives in the USA. She is a very polite girl with good manners, and the only thing she is missing is to convert to Islam. She loves me as well, and I have promised her.. More

  • Secretly converted to Islam and cannot wear Hijab

    I secretly converted to Islam and cannot wear the hijab. I reviewed fatwa no. 12498 as it handles a problem similar to mine. This was your advice to the questioner: "If you can immigrate from this country to another, then it is obligatory for you to do so in order to maintain your Islam." In the country where I live, there are Muslim groups, but I cannot.. More

  • Bragging about belonging to Islam

    Can we brag about what we have waiting for us in the Hereafter? Can we brag about our God? I want to show that Islam and God are better. May Allaah reward you. .. More

  • Video of Shaykh being interviewed by unveiled woman

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have a question. I watched a video of a Sheikh being interviewed by a non-Muslim who was not covering her hair. I also watched a video of an Islamic speaker who was advertising a phone company which he works for, and the video contained a picture of women who were not covered. Both of these two videos are supposed to be beneficial,.. More

  • Waswasah about words in Bible

    Assalaamu alaykum, Shaykh. A few days ago, I sent a question and got an answer with links to similar questions that you have previously answered. However, I want to ask you to answer my question because I really suffer from big Waswasah (devilish whisperings) and your answer will help me negate such things. My question was: Assalaamu alaykum, Shaikh... More

  • Mixing with person wearing clothes with words of disbelief written on them

    If a person has something written on their clothing that represents disbelief and another person socializes with that person, are they doing anything wrong? .. More

  • Forbidding evil after person stops committing it

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Should I still forbid evil if the evil thing already ended? For example, the cigarette was completely used up, so the smoker stopped his current smoking session, or the music concert is over and the people are leaving, or the gang has stopped beating the innocent girl. Should I still advise them about.. More

  • Islamic perspective on 'Karma'

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Is there anything in Islam about karma, the belief that the things you do come back at you, so if I misbehave with people or cheat them, I will also suffer their pain later on. As a muslim, should I believe or disbelieve in this ideology? .. More

  • Helping in haraam is haraam

    What is meant by helping in haram? If a person does not directly help in haram but his action allows someone else to use it to do something haram, will he share in that sin? .. More

  • Leaving place where evil is expected to be committed

    Can I leave a place where evil will most likely occur? Or do I have to wait for the evil to take place? I share my room with my brother; if I know that he will come and play a PS3 game that has music in it, can I leave the room 10 minutes before he comes so that I do not witness it? .. More

  • Advising someone who propagates false claims about matters of religion

    Assalaamu alaykum. There is a girl in my locality who says that there is no problem with taking selfies if you are wearing a hijab (covering the hair only). She rejects face covering and calls it an 'Arab tradition'. A friend of her once said that she wants to marry a boy who has a beard and is religious committed, so the girl insulted her in front.. More

  • Mixing animist beliefs with Islam (Dayak)

    Assalaamu alaykum. In Indonesia, there is an ethnic group called the Dayak. Some of them mix their animist beliefes with Islam, and some scholars also support it because it represents "traditional Islam" for them. These beliefs include some mystic and odd rituals together with some anti-Islamic belief. Is this permissible? .. More

  • Khawaarij are not extinct

    Assalaamu alaykum. Did the Khawaarij (Kharijites)become extinct after the Battle of Nahrawan, or do they still exist today? .. More

  • Watching video that depicts Allah talking to Adam and Eve in college

    Assalaamu alaykum. A few weeks ago, during a class at my university, the teacher put up a video were it showed what they claim to be Allaah talking with Adam and Eve. I felt too shy to leave the classroom. I did not raise my sight, so I did not see what they claim to be Allaah, Allaah willing, but I briefly saw the persons supposed to be Adam and Eve,.. More