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Assalamu alaikum,I saw your fatwa about keeping lizards and you said that "the known lizard, which resembles the varan in its shape but is of smaller size, like a gecko, and it has a smooth skin and a swift movement, then keeping this kind of animal is permissible" but I was wondering about the bearded dragon lizard specifically, is that halal to keep?Thank.. More
Assalamu'alaykum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh. Shaikh. I want to ask. What is ruling on black thing that look like a house lizard droppings/dung (فضلات الوزغ) if one take the opinion that house lizard have flowing blood (له نفس سائل) so his droppings is najis in that opinion?
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I learned that most washing detergents contain ingredients of animal sources, since i live in Germany it can be assumed that they are impure, now i wonder if i can pray in my clothes since after putting them in the washing machine they should be clean. But what about possible residue of the detergent? I would appreciate a direct answer since this matter.. More
Hello Islamweb
I do have a question. I'm suffering from social anxiety. So I'm having a hard time being around people. But it's easier for me to be around people when I'm with someone that I know. But a hard time when I go by myself to buy groceries etc. And I know people that's suffering the same as me have a dog that have helped them a lot from there.. More
Hi. I’m suffering from waswas. Basically my neighbour has a dog that’s runs into our garden sometimes. I’m not sure if he could
have urinated on the tiles. Today I spilled some water on the tiles which splashed back onto me, does this make my clothes and me impure
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Salam Alaikum. Please I want to know the appropriate thing to do, I found mice dropping on my praying mat. Should I just remove said dropping on the mat or wash the whole mat? And also if one finds cockroach dropping on praying mat, what's the appropriate action to take. Salam Alaikum.
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Assalamu ‘alaykum.
My mother bought soil that included animal dung (not sure if which animal but most likely cow dung) in it, she touched the soil and continued to touch other things such as door handles and a car seatbelt, it was also all over her clothes as she carried the package, is everything my mother touched and her clothes now najis? I had.. More
Assalamualaikum, I have a few questions regarding impurities. Recently we bought a car from someone who had dogs. We washed the carpets and wiped down the seats, hair can still be seen, is the car clean? How about the bucket used to clean the car? We also don’t know if there is saliva in the car.If Impurity falls on flooring with grout and cannot.. More
Assalamualaikumif there is cockroch feces on the floor how many times should we have to clean the floor to purify it and how to clean the floor
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Do my clothes become unpure if a non-Muslim's sweaty clothes come in contact with mine?
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Shaykh, if I bought furniture from someone who owns dogs, do I have to ask if their saliva got on it? Also, do I have to apologize to people for trespassing on their property? Thank you, and sorry for asking more than one question.
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Assalaamu alaykum. If I consider the urine and faeces of animals that are halal as impure, will the surface of a chicken egg be impure for me? What if the egg looks free of urine? I mean, egg and urine pass through the same passage, so how can an egg be pure? If it is impure, then while breaking an egg, the internal contents will also become impure... More
Assalaamu alaykum. I recently found out that many plastic bags (and other plastics) contain 'slip agents' that are made from rendered animal fat. Does that mean that they are impure? And are we spreading impurityby touching wet plastic? May Allaah reward you.
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Are dogs pure or impure? {Say: Lawful for you are [all] good foods and [game caught by] what you have trained of hunting animals which you train as Allah has taught you.} [Quran 5:4]
Ibn Mughaffal reported that the Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam,ordered killing the dogs and then said, “What about them?” (i. e. about other dogs).. More
I saw a fatwa here, but I need more clarification because it does not really go into detail about beef in non-edible products. If beef is used in fabric softener, but not pork, can we use it on our clothes even though we do not know if it was Zabiha beef, or is the ruling of Istihaalah applicable? If we cannot, and we have already used it, then are.. More
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