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As-salamu alaykum,What is the length of journey one should make travelling dua [ the authentic travelling supplication of Prophet (pbuh) ] jQuery111004503117648578432_1734510891251 If I go to 100m from my house, would that be consider a travel ? should I need to make dua in that case ? Jaz?k All?hu Khayran.. More
What prayer can one do to conquer the frequent bad thought about others?.. More
I live with my sis and bro in law. He always making problems in our house with me. He orders me to clean and do house chores in the house and if i don't do he scolds me . He's trying to control me . I told my sis thats he has no rights on me . But she supports him and say hes right and im lazy and doesn't help her thats y he's scolding me. I don't mix.. More
Salam alaykum. Is it permissable to ask protection for someone? And if we are, how are we to do this? Is there a specific dua to say? JazakAllah Kheir
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I am fat and I eat junkfood and my dad has diabetes, doctors say in many years higher chance I can get diabetes also, alhmadulilah i am happy I don't and will not change my diet or weight and since many like my dad have diabetes and live, and being fat and eating fried food is not haram right? They say online fat people who eat fried food have lower.. More
Sheikh if a person earns unlawful money Allah does not answer his dua does that include quranic supplications and salawat dua and i would like to ask that saying astighfirullah aladhi la ilaha ila huwa al hayyul qayumu waatubu ileyhi while in sajda allowed kindly clarify
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Assalamu aleykum. I made a du'a against someone few times. I was in a bad state of mind. After some time I prayed for Allah not to accept that du'a and I did taubah. I started having fear that maybe the harm will fall on me and not on that person. I don't want to suffer and I don't want that person to suffer. I also asked Allah to turn my dua's against.. More
Assalamualaykum Is it true that if I read the dua that was perscribed by our Prophet (pbuh) every morning 3 times and during Maghreb prayer 3 times the dua which is :Allaahumma ‘innee ‘a’oothu bika ‘an ‘ushrika bika wa ‘anaa ‘a’lamu, wa ‘astaghfiruka limaa laa ‘a’lamu. Will I be protected from absolutely ANY Kufr whether it is.. More
Alsalam Alikum,
I have a question about someone in work. He is Hindu from India and he has so much hate for me and all muslims. every time he sees me he keeps saying strange words in his language. I do not know if he is making prayer or magic.
I have full belief in Allah that he can protect me while their idols do not do benefit or harm. I keep praying.. More
Is it authentic to say part of the last aayah of surah tawba 7x in the morning and evening? And also is this authentic 3x in the morning and evening: Radhitu billaahi rabban, wa bil Islaamy deenan, wa bi Muhammadin salla Allaahu ‘alayhi was salaama nabiyyan?
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Assalaam Aleikum Warahmatullahi WabarakatuhuWhich is the best dhikr with high/ heavy rewards.Jazaka Allah Kheir
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Assalam u Alaikum. My question is regarding bidah. Say someone who goes to an Islamic school and in this Islamic school before starting the day, everyone is asked to standup and morning dua is recited over the speaker like "Asbahna Ala Fitratil Islam" and more and students are asked to recite. Is this bidah and should it be avoided or what.Jazak Allah.. More
I have met a good Muslim sister a few years ago, and she asked me if I would marry her. At the time, I was not ready for marriage. However, I now realized that she is a good match for me in terms of the religion. I have been looking for her for the last three years, but without success. Is there any prayer which I can recite to find her or get news.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I would like to know about the supplications mentioned below whether reciting them is allowed or not in the light of the Quran and Sunnah:
1. Allahumma ya wadudu azal arshil majidi ya mubdiu ya mueedu ya fa alunllimayuridu azal izzatillati laturamu walmukil llazi la yuzamu yaman ala nurihi arkana arshihi ya mughisu aghisni ya mughisu.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I have a simple question. A person whom I know prays to Allaah for wealth, power, and wisdom so that he can help his Ummah (Islamic community) (besides praying for it). However, he does not know how he would help and is neither rich nor intelligent. Is this type of praying good, or is he merely burdening himself?
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