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what should i do with my muslim husband who usually call our children dog,donkey etc. in arabic whenever they commit mistakes?our childrenwhos aged 5 yrs,4and 2 are slapped, and insulted even when we are outside,he is just so hot tempered. whats the ruling of this. am a convertedmuslim, and trying to live islamically. my iman is weakening. shall i leave.. More
1) If a wife tells her husband that she will never observe his marital rights unless under the condition she demands, is this the same as saying Talaaq? 2) I recall, a Hadeeth, and I do not remember the narrator or the chain as I neglected to learn it, but one of the Ansaar of Madeenah was with his new wife whom I think was a maid. Having been made.. More
my husband told me that he lusts for a woman that we know. when I asked him what he sees in her. he started describing her sexy features. her smiles, her laughs, her teeth, her thighs. which of course he never seen without clothes. Please show me the right way to deal with this. I am very upset. Is it ak not to sleep with him again? Please help. Thank.. More
I study in the USA and I have my wife and 4 months old son with me. I go to school almost every day except weekends and Fridays. My wife complains a lot because I do not allow her to go outside our house alone even for 10 minutes. She wants to go to the park with our son to get fresh air whenever she is bored, or may be go get some foods' needs while.. More
I am an American Muslimah married to an Egyptian. I recently told him I have a form of autism, yet he does not believe me. I am really hurt. I am afraid that because he comes from another culture he does not understand. He says that my shyness is a choice and I could make friends if I really wanted to. I know shyness is a virtue, but I really cannot.. More
Is it right of a husband to not let her do things that she wants like visiting her sisters or going to a friend's house? But when he wants something its ok for her to run his errands. Can a woman go out without her husband's permission if he doesn't let her go anywhere for being too strict really turns a person to be evil? .. More
Is it appropriate for a good earning income group husband to force his wife to leave house and kids and work to support him for better future? While present gets affected? .. More
My brother in-law got married to my cousin a few months later she lost her brother in a fatal car accident in all this difficult time for her and her family and she was pregnant at the time my brother in-law felt a bit left out as nobody taking any attention of her as they were just recently married they stayed in Johannesburg he then flew.. More
I have embraced Islam. I have three children. I live in UAE. I love my husband very much. But till today I never see him pray or fast. I feel very bad about it. He is very short tempered. When he is angry he doesn't knew what he says. The words which come out of his mouth are sharper than knife. During my recent holidays back home he lost.. More
We know that wives are not slaves to the husbands but are it necessary the wives must take permission from husband whenever they go out alone or with a guardian. Can a husband stop wife going out with reason or without reason if he wants to?
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My friend is a Muslimah who has been married for the past 2 years. She says her husband treats her well and is a religious man whom many think highly of. However she is overly jealous and keeps asking him things that can lead to arguments - such as (promise me you have never been with another woman) he says no I have not, but she is suspicious.. More
I hope you can clarify something for me. During Ramadhaan and especially in the last 10 days, my husband insists on breaking his fast and spending nights at the mosque. Since I am alone with a 7 month old child, I do not feel comfortable being left alone. Although I know that what he is doing is a good deed and I am proud of him, I still think its.. More
Jazak Allaah Khair for your website, I rely on it! Al-Hamdulillah, I am an American convert to Islam. Lately I have been having problems in my marriage. My husband has been spending a lot of time with 2 friends he has had since school. One of them is in Jamaat Tableegh. Anyway, a few weeks ago my husband and these friends had lunch. And later.. More
I have been married for almost 3 years to my wife and it was an arrange marriage. No matter I did I have not been able to love her and give her my love. There is no attraction for me towards her and we have not had sex for over a year now and even at the beginning of our marriage we never enjoyed sex. I am going to lose my mind and as result of.. More
We have received your Fatwa inquiry which we would attend to as soon as possible. Your question was "Salaam Alaykum". Is it being a hypocrite if deep down one has no love or respect for a husband who is lives a un-Islamic way of life, does not respect my Islamic ways, does not have any principles or ethics in life, has a very temperamental.. More
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