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Asalaam Alaikum WRWB, If a wife strongly suspects her husband is lying about doing some things haram in secret (hiding smoking, chatting with other women online,and phone)... HOW can she ask him about this or try to encourage him to stop this without insulting him? She loves him and doesn't want to break the marriage apart but she needs the truth so.. More
aslaam alaikum dear brother/sister of islam i live in england uk, i am going to buy my house with my husband,my husband does not have family in the town we live in and his parents live in husbands brother is married to my big sister they have been married for 15 years and they live in the same street as we are currently living in my sister.. More
Dear Sheikh asallaamoe aleikoem, I'm from Holland and have some quetions: 1. i am married but my father is divorced and lives with us with my brother. Should i obey my father or my husband (in diffrent situations)? Because my husband says not to interfere in the divorce stituation between my father and my steph mother? But my father let me to do al.. More
ASWK. I got married a year and half back. At the time of Nikah i was aborod, hence my Nikah took place over telephone. in order to get this Nikah being performed i had given a written power of attorney to a man who can represent on mybehalf to complete formal nikah obligations. During this process i did not know this person since he was introduced to.. More
my son a revert as myself is getting married in another country, my 2nd husband ( not his father) says he wont come with me and my daughters who are 21 and 16 as he is from egypt and wants to go and visit his family for a holiday, not at the same time i add,which will leave me and daughters to travel alone, we will be there a week, my son will then.. More
salam aleikum. i have one question.. me and my husband have been married for almost one and half years. we have one son now who is 4 months old. When he have married me i was more fit than i im today. i had then 54 kilo, now i have 58 kilo. the problem is that my husband wants me to become fat, he want me to have maybe 10 kilo more than i have now... More
Would a Muslim wife be with her worldly husband in Paradise, even if they were not in the same rank? Or would she be able to choose someone else? If a woman gets married to a number of men in life which one would be her husband in the Hereafter?.. More
My wife is anti social. She is an American muslim who reverted to islam. we've been married almost 5 years. she calls all non muslims kaffir refuses to be around any of them. Doesn't go to the masjid b/c some people there were rude to us so she states a woman doesn't have to go b/c it's not fards. all she does is speak politics and religion. She tells.. More
SALAM.I am in a big confusion and trouble.i love one friend of mine very much.his name is arslan.i wanted to maay him.but due to family problems my parents did my nikah with my cousin.i just have paper relation with my husband.i havent gone to his home yet.he is a nice and caring man. i have tried a lot to love him, but i couldnt.can i take divorce.i.. More
Salaam alikum, I would like to ask this question but am afraid. This question is the opening of a new door. Well I have been a Muslim for about 5 years alhimduliallah however, my husband and I were together before we got married. My question is long because of my circumstances , you see my husband is handicap he has not always been that way but has.. More
Can a husband or wife put his or her head on their partner's shoulder in a decent manner that it does not look vulgar or in decent in front of his or her in laws, is it unlawful according to Islam.
And also how close husband and wife can sit with each other or how should they behave in public?.. More
Dear scholar,
My husband is a dominating person.He does not care about any ones feeling and if he say we have to do it,if he buy anything i have to accept that i can;t say i like or not. Will i get reward for being patient with him and
eventhough if i dont like his behavier? thankyou... More
i bought a present for my children who are from my previous marrige without the permission of my husband as he was away at his first wives, when he found out he became angry that i do as i want and dont ask him anything first he is not fair between me and his first wife he spends more time with her and less with me , and the time he does spend with.. More
Assalam o Alaikum. May ALLAH GIVE YOU jAZA for your work and make it much easy for you.Ameen. i doubt that my husband is seeing someone.He doe'snt lives with me,,he works for five days and comes on weekend..i have two daughters and i know him since 11 years..this is not the first time he is away for his work,,but my heart does'nt satisfies ..i have.. More
asalaam alaikum wa rahamt-ullah barakatuh,i have been into arguments with my wife several times about her going to weddings.I told her she cannot attend to any weddings because of the music playing,dancing,and some woman wearing improper clothings.But my wife argues with me telling me she does'nt do any of those things,so i tell her wat's the purpose.. More
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