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Assalamu alaikum, My husband and I were born muslims in non muslim country but recently I realised that we did not understand Islam and started seeking knowledge and trying to improve on the basics Alhamdulillah. Performing Salat properly, learning the Quran and other Islamic books,listening to Lectures and doing voluntary acts of worship, Tahhajud,.. More
salaam.. i'm a working mother of two happily married to my loving husband. two third of our monthly family expenditure (including car loan) is on me since my salary is more than my husband. i consider this as sadaqah for my husband. does this mean that my husband can regard this as my responsibilities and not trying to earn extra money for that. sometimes.. More
As Salaam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaah Wa Barakatuhu... I am writing because I would like to know the meaning of the description "Marry the loving and the fertile" What is it that makes a woman be seen as "loving" ? What are the qualities she should have? .. More
Asalam 3alaikum, i moved to Doha a year ago as my husband lives here, i am 7 months pregnant with my first child and living with my husband and his parents and my brother in law, my father has been working in Doha as well for 17 years so i get to visit him as often as i like. i have not seen my mother in 9 months and she will be coming in sept for.. More
salam aleikum sheikh. i have one thing in my heart that im very sad of. me and my husband are from diffrent countries but hamdolillah we are living like practising muslim family. we have been married 3 years and have 2 sons. how ever i feel that because im from other country than him, i have not get right like all the other women who have married.. More
As'salaam Alaikum, I'm very blessed by Allah. Last year I met a pious Muslim guy and upon both families' consent, we got married, MashAllah. We are both very blessed to be very educated and working as professionals in a western country. Religiously, socially and financially we are the "perfect match" in so many ways MashAllah. Only one thing is my.. More
I have the intention to travel to Makkah to spend the last 10 days of Ramadan 2011, inshaa Allah. However, my wife will not be able to accompany me (as she does not have the physical capability to stand the 10 days and the long travel). She says she does not want me to leave her as she would be staying alone at home for 10 days. What should I do for.. More
Assalam O Alaikum... dear sheikh kindly advise me and quide me that does a wife has the right to ask her husband abt his immoral activies or not? and same for husband to his wife..... some peoples say that watever the husband does outside if his wife come to know or doesnt know she doesnt has the right to ask him abt anything which is wrong he.. More
What is the Sharee‘ah ruling on a husband who taunts his sick wife by reminding of the money that he spent on her treatment whenever a problem erupts between them?.. More
My wife and I have now been married for almost six years, but since we got married she has been diverting me. That is, when I want to adhere to the teachings of Islam she draws me to the way of Shaytaan (Satan) although I have advised her many times. What should I do with her? Should I divorce her while we have two daughters and I fear that she will.. More
I have a question. Is it permissible for the husband to keep asking the wife when her period will end when she is in menstruation? Like if he keeps asking her.., did your period finish? Or when will it finish? I get sometimes upset when my husband asks me this. Is he allowed to ask such questions? .. More
"My husband wants to spend time with his parent 70% and for my parents only 30% is that fair?" Please advise me through Quran and Hadith. Thanks .. More
what is the ruling on extremism in Islam ? is it halal to force someone to do sunnah/nawfil acts like asking/forcing her to pray nawfil prayers like tahjjud etc ? is a wife responsible if her husband does haraam ? how should she correct him ? what if he do not listen to her ? pls answer in great detail covering all the related topics Jazakallahukahir.. More
assalaam alakium i would like to know can a wife take money that belongs to her husband to save it for him with out him knowing he is not good in save his money and then when we need it we cannt find it... More
As-Salaam-Alaiqum I have a question regarding my rights under Shariah as a husband. I recently asked my wife to provide me with her telephone records as well as her bank statements for the past five years. I also offered her the same from my end for a longer duration of time. 10 years worth of bank statements and as far back as I have records for.. More
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